抓住重点 解决难点 强化企业党建

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近几年来,我们从企业的实际出发,紧紧抓住企业党建工作中的重点,积极探索解决难点,取得了初步效果。双管齐下,抓好班子建设加强领导班子建设,是新形势下加强党的建设这一新的伟大工程的关键性工程。我们采取了双管齐下的办法。一是组织上充实加强。我们按照“选准主帅、配强副手、优化结构、发挥整体功能”的要求,把着眼点放在选好正、副书记上。为了严格把住素质关,除了坚持干部的德才标准、“四化”方针外,强调选拔“一肩挑”书记,主要看是否具备两手抓的意识和两手抓的本领;选拔专职副书记,主要看是否热爱 In recent years, starting from the actual conditions of the enterprises, we have firmly grasped the key points in the party building work of enterprises and have actively explored and solved the difficulties, and achieved initial results. Working in a two-pronged approach, doing a good job in team building and strengthening the building of the leading body are the key projects to strengthen the new great project of party building in the new situation. We have taken a two-pronged approach. First, strengthen the organization. In accordance with the requirements of “selecting the right coach, matching the deputy, optimizing the structure and giving play to the overall function,” we focus on the selection of positive and deputy secretaries. In order to strictly control the quality of students, in addition to sticking to the cadres’ standards of moral integrity and “four modernizations”, the secretary of “one shoulder and one shoulder picks” should be emphasized, and whether or not they possess the awareness of both hands and the ability to grasp both hands should be emphasized. Selection Full-time deputy secretary, mainly to see whether it is love