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图书馆订购的中外文期列,经过一年的阅览之后,为了便于管理,防止丢失,一般都要将所订各种期刊装订成册后再上架,以供回溯检索之用。装订成册后不整齐的期刊须切边,否则是很不整齐美观的。现在,有些期刊纷纷扩版,从原来的标准16开(18.5 cm×26 cm)扩展到大16开(21cm×29.7cm);更有些期刊不是待当年的期刊出齐之后,而是在当年中的某一期就开始扩版,这种做法对图书馆的文献收藏造成了困难。目前图书馆的书架,一般是长90 cm,宽19.5cm,高210 cm,按标准16开书刊的高度,可安装七层,每层高度刚好30 cm。大16开的书刊则无法直立排架,只能倾斜排架.显得比较紧,而且宽度超出了书架的宽度(19.5 cm)。书架虽可按需要高低调节,但一旦固定就不宜再调。这样,大16开本的书刊,排架就成了问题。如果按大16开本的高度调整书架,势必减少层数,浪费空间。在图书 After a year of reading, the Chinese-English period ordered by the library has been booked in a book for ease of management and loss prevention. Unbalanced periodicals must be trimmed after being bound in a book, otherwise it is very irregular and beautiful. Nowadays, some journals have expanded their version from the original standard of 16.5 cm x 26 cm to the size of 21 cm x 29.7 cm. Some journals are not to be published after the current journals are published, but in the current year A period of time began to expand the version, this approach to the library literature collection caused difficulties. At present, the bookshelf of the library is generally 90 cm long, 19.5 cm wide and 210 cm high. According to the standard of 16 books and periodicals, seven shelves can be installed, and the height of each shelf is just 30 cm. The books and periodicals, which can not be upright, can only be tilted, appear tighter, and have a width that exceeds the width of the shelf (19.5 cm). Although bookshelf height adjustment according to need, but once fixed it should not be adjusted. In this way, large books and journals, rack has become a problem. If you adjust the height of the bookshelf by 16, it is bound to reduce the number of layers and waste space. In the book
将保护环境的意识,定量化地引入金属材料的表面工程领域。从保护环境的角度,对金属材料表面强化过程进行评价。通过对常用钢铁材料的表面强化工艺基础数据的分析, 定量研究了不
安倍圭子(Keiko Abe)是国际著名的打击乐演奏家、作曲家、教育家。她以高超的技艺、敏锐的感受力和无限的创造力创作出了风格多样的作品,对安倍圭子先生的马林巴音乐风格和演
临床药学(c lin ical pharm acy,CP)最早于20世纪五、六十年代在美国建立。开展临床药学服务是医院药学的发展方向,2002年1月21日起实施的《医疗机构药事管理暂行规定》中,明
用文献计量方法,对《Journal of the American Chemical Society》、《Belletin of the Chemical Society of Japan》、《Acta Chimica Sinica》和《Journal of the Chinese