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随着经济社会的快速发展,社会生产力的不断提高,生产方式的不断转化,计算机的应用范围逐渐扩大,各行各业都与计算机的应用迅速结合,来提升自身的水平和工作效率。初中语文教学作为初中教育的基础性学科,在众多初中学科之中的影响力和作用不言而喻。那么在新的时代背景之下,初中语文教学与计算机有效结合,以全新的教育模式进行语文教学是一种势在必行之路。这种全新的教育模式要求将初中语文教育与信息技术有效的结合在一起将信息技术与初中语文进行融合,运用现代化的信息技术练习阅读、口语交际、写作等多方面的语文基础教育的内容,以便在现代信息技术的支持下获得全新的生命力,从而不断提升学生的语文素养,培养学生的创造性思维和形象思维,加强学生与其他人进行交流的能力。 With the rapid economic and social development, the continuous improvement of social productive forces and the continuous transformation of modes of production, the scope of application of computers has been gradually expanded. All walks of life are rapidly integrating with the application of computers to enhance their own standards and work efficiency. As a basic subject of junior high school education, the junior high school Chinese teaching has many influences and functions among many middle school subjects. Under the new background of the times, effective combination of Chinese teaching in junior high school and computer and teaching of Chinese with brand new education mode is an imperative road. This new educational model requires that middle school Chinese education and information technology should be effectively combined with the integration of information technology and junior high school Chinese language, the use of modern information technology to practice reading, oral communication and writing and other aspects of basic Chinese education, So as to gain new vitality with the support of modern information technology, so as to continuously improve students’ language literacy, develop students’ creative thinking and image thinking, and enhance students’ ability to communicate with other people.
你想知道Lily最喜欢吃什么吗?赶快来猜一猜吧,答案就在谜语中。  1  I’m a drink.  I’m a natural food,  Produced by cows.  I have much protein and calcium,  Children should drink me for their health.  Of course, you can find me anyt
经中国卫生经济学会和本刊编委会认可,本编辑部在广泛征求读者、评审员和通讯员的意见之后,综合评定1989、1990、1991年度优秀论文,同时颁发证书和奖金。 1989年《中国卫生
CT9800曝光时,可能出现的故障较多,但以显示故障码为2101和2100的为最常见。关于2101的故障,已在本刊1991年第15卷第3期183页详细论述。现在介绍Z100故障的检修。 When the