Nutrition status of patients with common cancer in China:gap,mission and challenge

来源 :中国科学:生命科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ninikao
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Malnutrition reduces tolerance and effectiveness of anti-tu-mor treatment (ANT),increases the risk of complications,medical costs,and death (Arends et al.,2017).About 40% of patients with cancer die because of malnutrition rather than the disease itself (Barton,2017;Roeland et al.,2020).In order to set up a panorama for association among nutrition status,nutrition support treatment (NST),ANT and out-comes in patients with neoplasms,the Chinese Society of Nutritional Oncology (CSNO) conducted a multicenter prospective cohort program called Investigation on Nutrition Status and its Clinical Outcome of Common Cancers (IN-SCOC) from 2013.A total of 18 common types of neoplasms and multidimensional data,including personal history,co-morbidity,lifestyle,nutrition screening,NST,ANT,quality of life (QoL),and follow-up data,were included.At present,there were more than 50,000 patients (≥ 18 years) from 102 representative hospitals in 21 provinces,4 municipalities and 2 autonomous regions from China were recruited using a consecutive sampling method.The included types of neo-plasms were lung cancer (LC),gastric cancer (GC),eso-phageal cancer (ESC),pancreatic cancer (PAC),liver cancer,colorectal cancer (CRC),breast cancer (BRC),nasophar-yngeal carcinoma (NPC),prostate cancer (PRC),cervical cancer,bladder cancer,endometrial carcinoma (EC),ovarian cancer (OC),leukemia,lymphoma,and brain cancer.
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