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春节刚过,我在建外灵通观的一座单元楼里,拜访了仰慕已久的邓季惺老人。邓老个子不高,身体略瘦,白皙的面庞,操着浓重的四川口音。这位看上去普普通通的老人,曾有过一番轰轰烈烈的辉煌事业。我不大能听懂四川话,好在邓老的大女婿离休在家,为我们做翻译,我们聊起来。邓季惺1907年出生在四川省奉县,原名邓友兰。因受家庭影响,自小就产生了对重男轻女的抗争心理,她不喜欢“兰”呀“芝”呀的,便将名字改为季惺。14岁考入四川省立第二女子师范学校。在校期间,受到恽代英、张闻天、肖楚女等老师进步思想的影响,与进步师生一起,参加校内外的争民主活动。毕业 After the Spring Festival just passed, I was building a unit building in the external perspective, visited the long admired Deng Ji Xing elderly. Deng old man is not high, the body is slightly thin, white face, exercise a strong Sichuan accent. This seemingly ordinary elderly, there had been some spectacular brilliant career. I am not very able to understand the Sichuan dialect, but Deng Lao’s great-son-in-law is at home and translates for us. Let’s chat. Deng Ji Xing was born in 1907 in Feng County, Sichuan Province, formerly known as Deng Youlan. Due to family influence, she grew up with a resistance to patriarchal psychology. She did not like “Lan” Yeah “Chi” Yeah, she changed her name to Ji Xing. 14-year-old admitted to Sichuan Provincial Second Female Normal School. During his tenure at school, he was influenced by his teachers’ progressive thinking, including Dai Daiying, Zhang Wentian and Xiao Chuvu, to join the teachers and students in their progress and participate in the democratic activities both inside and outside the school. graduation
Background T-cell receptor (TCR) plays an important role in the development of autoimmune diseases. Recently, it was reported that immunization of animals with
Objective:To investigate the antimalarial activity of ethanol extract of Aspilin africana (A.africana) leaf.Methods:The ethanol extract of A.africana leaf(100-4
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