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学会热处理小组要我收集一些英国热处理工艺和设备目前水平方面的资料,以满足同志们对于这方面的要求。但是这方面总结性的资料比较少,同时限于个人能力和时间,也没能很好收集,收集到的也没能很好组织起来,因此可能不会满足同志们的要求。好在各个产品专业在赶英国规划中也多少都收集到一些热处理资料,希望大家尽量介绍,集思广益。我所收集到的一些资料,主要是根据英国杂志和部份美国杂志的报导,主要是下列几种:(1)英国杂志:1.Metallurgia.2.Iron & Steel,3.Metal Treatment & Drop Forging,4.Journal of Iron & Steel Institute;(2)美国杂志:1.Metal Progress,2.Iron Age;(3)其他机械制造文摘上有关资本主义国家杂志一些其他零星报道。以上这些杂志,是资本主义国家杂志,因此所报导的内容,不可避免地有许多夸张吹牛的地方,这是应特别提岀的。今天的介绍,并没能事先把资料整理好,以供小组其他同志们讨论,又限于个人水平,可能有许多介绍得不恰当以至于谬误的地方,希望同志们指正。 Learn to heat treatment team asked me to collect some information on the current level of heat treatment technology and equipment in the United Kingdom to meet the comrades in this regard. However, in this respect, the information collected is relatively small. At the same time, it is limited to the individual’s ability and time, nor is it well collected. The information collected is not well organized and may not satisfy the demands of comrades. Fortunately, various product professionals in the rush to catch up with the planning of Britain are also collected some heat treatment information, I hope we try to introduce, brainstorming. Some of the information I have collected is mainly based on the reports of British magazines and some American magazines. The main ones are as follows: (1) British Magazines: 1. Metallurgia.2.Iron & Steel, 3.Metal Treatment & Drop Forging , 4. Journal of Iron & Steel Institute; (2) American Journal: 1.Metal Progress, 2.Iron Age; (3) Some other sporadic reports on capitalist national journals from other mechanical manufacturing abstracts. The above magazines are the capitalist national magazines. Therefore, the content of the report is inevitable that there are many places that boast of boasting. This should be especially mentioned. Today’s introduction has not been able to prioritize the information for discussion by other groups of comrades and is confined to the individual level. There may be many places inappropriately introduced and even falsehoods, in the hope that comrades will correct me.
一、绪言 钢筋混凝土(以下简称钢筋砼)自从十九世纪七十年代出现以来,只不过经历了一百年左右的历史,目前一跃而为我们时代里采用最广的建筑材料之一[1]。钢铁工业的基本建设
一电渣焊接 1.电渣焊接的优点 (1)减輕鑄鋼車間和鍛压車間的負荷。若干大部件可用鑄焊及鍛焊結構,因此鑄鋼車間及鍛压車間不必做太大的零件。 (2)可以利用現有的設备做較大