Water-resisting ability of cemented broken rocks

来源 :International Journal of Mining Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:saraxian
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Using the self-designed testing system, the seepage tests for cemented broken rocks were conducted, and the impact of different factors on water-resisting ability was analyzed. The results show that(1) seepage process of the cemented broken rocks can be divided into two categories: in one category, seepage instability occurs after a period of time, in the other, the permeability decreases slowly and tends to be stable,and seepage instability does not occur;(2) cementing performance of cementing agent and grain size distribution are the decisive factors for water-resisting ability, with the increase of cementing performance and the mass percentage of large grains, the water-resisting ability of the specimen strengthens;(3)aggregate type has little effect on seepage stability, for the specimens with different aggregate types,the permeability and the duration of seepage instability have small difference;(4) initial porosity has a certain effect on the water-resisting ability of the specimen, but has no decisive role. With the increase of the initial porosity, the duration of seepage instability decreases. Using the self-designed testing system, the seepage tests for cemented broken rocks were conducted, and the impact of different factors on water-resisting ability was analyzed. The results show that (1) seepage process of the cemented broken rocks can be divided into two categories: in one category, seepage instability occurs after a period of time, in the other, the permeability increases slowly and tends to be stable, and seepage instability does not occur; (2) cementing performance of cementing agent and grain size distribution are the decisive factors for water-resisting ability, with the increase of cementing performance and the mass percentage of large grains, the water-resisting ability of the specimen strengthens; (3) aggregate type has little effect on seepage stability, for the specimens with different aggregate types, the permeability and the duration of seepage instability have small difference; (4) initial porosity has a certain effect on the water-resisting ability of the specim en, but has no decisive role. With the increase of the initial porosity, the duration of seepage instability decreases.
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