切实抓好两个服务 促进电力改革发展

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凯里供电局用电科提供的信息表明,该局去年供电量达到20.653亿千瓦时,同比增长62%,是1999年的205.2%;售电量完成19.6243亿千瓦时,同比增长62%,是1999年的205.9%,供、售电量实现了两年翻一番的目标,大大加快了该局由国家大Ⅱ型企业向大Ⅰ型企业迈进的步伐,使该局一举跻身全省电力系统的大局行列,促进了黔东南州电力事业的改革与发展。同时,也标志着该局几年来在狠抓“两个服务”方面已经取得了显著成效,基本达到了“服务出效益”的目标。在去年如此高速增长的基础上,该局今年上半年的供、售电量又分别以50%以上的速度增长,完成省电力公司下达任务的60%,15个县局下网 Information provided by Kaili Power Supply Bureau Electricity Division shows that the electricity supply of the bureau last year reached 2,065.3 million kwh, an increase of 62% over the same period of last year, up 205.2% from 1999; the sales volume of electricity completed was 1,962.43 million kwh, an increase of 62% over 1999; Year 205.9%, for the supply and sale of electricity to achieve the goal of doubling the two years, greatly speeding up the council from large state-owned enterprises to large-scale enterprises in the pace of progress, so that the council ranks among the province’s power system in one fell swoop Ranks of the promotion of Qiandongnan power industry reform and development. At the same time, it also marked that the Bureau has made remarkable achievements in the past few years in focusing on “two services” and has basically achieved the goal of “providing service benefits”. On the basis of such rapid growth last year, the electricity supply and sales volume of the council increased by more than 50% in the first half of this year respectively, completing 60% of the tasks assigned by the provincial power companies and 15 counties under the net
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2009年以来,江苏阜宁县用电负荷连创新高,截止到9月,供电量突破12亿千瓦时,日供电量第14次创新高,一次次数据的刷新,与阜宁供电公司竭力服务地方经济的发展密不可分。 Since
为了完善我国水利水电建设的市场机制,应当建立水利水电建设工程招投标法规,建立建设项目发包单位的资格审核制度,尽快制定中国水电站建设工程施工合同条件。 In order to p