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大通湖是我省最大的内湖,也是我区最大的淡水鱼生产基地,年产鱼都在1750吨以上。但近几年来,沿湖社会秩序较为混乱,一些不法分子钻渔业管理体制和联产承包责任制不健全等空子,破坏水产资源,每年大量鲜鱼被盗,1987年起,大通湖渔场党委多次重温国家渔业法规、条例,进一步增强全场干职工保护国家水产资源的自觉性和责任感,在益阳地区联防委员会领导下,相继在场内健全了以场长、分场长为首的联防办公室和联防分队,调整湖管、拦塞人员100多人,充实了水陆治安联防队,每年拿出4万余元为沿湖每个乡镇聘请合同制渔政民警两名,并尽可能为他们配备起现代化侦破设施,建立起警 Datong Lake is the largest in Inner Mongolia Lake, is also my area’s largest freshwater fish production base, with an annual output of fish in more than 1,750 tons. However, in recent years, the social order along the lake has been rather chaotic. Some unscrupulous officials have not managed to make any attempt to undermine the fishery management system and the contract-linked contract system. Many large-scale fresh fish have been stolen each year. Since 1987, Times to review the state fishery regulations and regulations, to further enhance the audience of workers and staff to protect the consciousness and responsibility of national aquatic resources, under the leadership of the Yiyang Prefecture Commission on Defense, one after another in the field to improve the field chief and sub-field offices headed by the defense office and The joint defense unit adjusted the lake management and stopped more than 100 personnel. The army and water security allied defense team was enriched. Each year more than 40,000 Yuan were employed to hire two contracted fishery and police officers in each township along the lake and to equip them as far as possible Modern detection of facilities to establish a police
(一) 郴州地区的渔业商品生产结构。根据我们对全区34个乡镇、102个村的1000户农户养鱼生产调查研究的情况来看,我区渔业商品生产主要有以下几个特点: 1.从质的规定性上看,
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