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儿童诗是针对儿童审美和心理特点,适合儿童听赏、吟诵、阅读的诗歌。儿童诗有哪些文体特征?首先,音乐性。它在形式上具有“短句、分行、押韵、讲究节奏与韵律”的特点。朱光潜先生说:“情感的最直接的表现是声音节奏,而文学意义反在其次。文学意义所不能表现的情调常可以用声音节奏表现出来。”其次,情感性。儿童诗情感饱满,由于它的读者对象的特殊性,所以要求诗歌的感情要真正走进儿童内心,形象地传达孩子们美好的感情、善良的愿望、有趣的情 Children’s poetry is aimed at children’s aesthetic and psychological characteristics, suitable for children to listen to, recite, read poetry. What are the stylistic features of children’s poetry? First, musicality. It is formally characterized by “short sentences, branches, rhymes, stressing rhythm and rhyme.” Mr. Zhu Guangqian said: “The most direct expression of emotion is the sound rhythm, while the meaning of literature is second, and the sentiment that the meaning of literature can not express can often be expressed in the rhythm of sound.” Second, emotionality. Due to the particularity of its audience, children’s poetic feeling requires that the feelings of poetry really go into the heart of children and vividly convey the children’s good feelings, good wishes and interesting feelings
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三、训诂术语训诂术语是和训诂方法紧密相关的,弄懂训诂术语,一般就能推知训诂的方法。因此,搞清训诂术语的含义,对掌握训诂学是有好处的。今择要简介如下几种: (一)说义的