
来源 :新疆石油地质 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq231582
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作者采用地质统计学中的克立格方法或相关理论,不仅考虑到地质储集体变量的数值大小,而且还考虑地质储集体变量的空间位置关系,进一步结合地质信息对储集层非均质性进行估计,是将地质变量作为空间变量来进行研究,并且估值通过观测数据,使得插值计算、预测变量空间分布更加合理。将该方法应用于辽河油田沈35区块的尝试性研究中,取得了很好的效果 The author adopts Kriging method or related theory in geostatistics not only considering the numerical value of the variables of geological reservoirs but also considering the spatial location of the variables of the geological reservoirs and further combining the geological information to the heterogeneity of the reservoir The estimation is based on the study of the geological variables as the spatial variables, and through the observation data, the interpolation calculation and the spatial distribution of the predictors are more reasonable. This method has been applied to the pilot study of Block Shen 35 in Liaohe Oilfield and achieved good results
皖政办[2007]69号各市、县人民政府,省政府有关部门:省水利厅、省发展改革委、省财政厅制订的《安徽省病险水库除险加固实施方案》已经省政府同意,现印发给你们,请 Wanzheng
Characteristics of the turn-on and turn-off voltage of avalanche p-n junctions were demonstrated and studied.As opposed to existing reports,the differences betw