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一石激起千层浪。作为中国科学院“知识创新工程”重要试点项目之一的中国科学院计算技术研究所,以机构改革后的全新面貌吸引了各界人士的广泛注目。自1999年1月1日起,计算所将挂出两块牌子:一是中国科学院计算技术研究所,二是联想集团中央研究院。一时间,“企业坐拥国家机构”、“联想吞并计算所”等各种说法不断见诸报端。人们并不只是关注计算所本身的变化,而是从这一变化中更多地看到了一种科研机构与企业合作的全新方式。这也许是科研机构体制改革的颇具意义的探索。我国科研院所改革在经历了10余年发展后,在“知识经济”日益逼近的今天,人们感受到又一次“革命”的来临。 A stone provokes a thousand waves. The Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, one of the important pilot projects of the “Knowledge Innovation Project” of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, has attracted the attention of people from all walks of life with its new look after the institutional reform. Since January 1, 1999, the Institute will have two brands: First, the Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and second, the Central Research Institute of Legend Group. For a time, various statements such as “companies sitting on state institutions” and “association of associations” have continued to appear in newspapers. People are not just concerned with the changes in computing itself, but have seen more from this change a new way of cooperation between scientific research institutions and enterprises. This may be a meaningful exploration of institutional reforms in scientific research institutions. After more than 10 years of development in the reform of China’s scientific research institutes, people are feeling the arrival of another “revolution” as the “knowledge economy” approaches.
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