
来源 :中国妇幼保健 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gameryufei
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目的:以北京市为例,了解机关、企事业单位育龄人群免费避孕药具知晓及获得现状。方法:采用横断面调查的方法对东城区27个机关、企事业单位和新经济组织的673例育龄人群进行问卷调查。结果:调查中89.05%的育龄人群知道免费避孕药具发放政策,其中68.19%的人获得过免费避孕药具。机关、事业单位和新经济组织免费避孕药具的获得率分别为67.26%、70.41%和59.62%。多元Logistic回归分析提示,机关和企事业单位、已婚育龄人群的免费避孕药具获得率较高,妨碍免费避孕药具获得的主要原因是不好意思或不方便领取。结论:机关企事业单位育龄人群免费避孕药具获得率较低,新经济组织尤为明显。针对免费避孕药具获得障碍的原因,改进和完善既往免费避孕药具的发放模式,惠及更广大育龄人群将是今后免费避孕药具发放工作重点。 Objective: Take Beijing as an example, to know about the awareness and the status quo of free contraceptives among the childbearing people in institutions, enterprises and institutions. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted to investigate the 673 reproductive-aged people in 27 institutions, enterprises, institutions and new economic organizations in Dongcheng District. Results: 89.05% of the population of childbearing age in the survey knew about the policy of releasing free contraceptives, and 68.19% of them received free contraceptives. The acquisition rates of free contraceptives by organs, institutions and new economic organizations were 67.26%, 70.41% and 59.62% respectively. Multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that institutions and enterprises, married contraceptives have a higher rate of free contraceptives, and the main reason preventing free contraceptives from being obtained is embarrassed or inconvenient to receive. Conclusion: The contraceptives availability of contraceptives of childbearing age in government agencies and public institutions is relatively low, especially in the new economy. In view of the reasons for the barriers to access free contraceptives, improve and improve the distribution pattern of the previous free contraceptives, and to benefit more people of childbearing age will be the focus of free contraceptives distribution in the future.
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