Sammy the Seal

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  It was feeding(喂食) time at the zoo. Mr. Johnson fed(喂) some fish to the seals. The seals were very happy.
Hello, I’m Xiaonuo. Look, I made a jack-o’-lantern(鬼脸南瓜灯) with my family. Is it cute?
There are 42 students in our class. We have four ways(方式) to get to school—by bike, by bus, by taxi and on foot.  There are 11 students getting to school on foot, because it’s good for our health. 16
Long long ago, there was a man called Yang Shi. He liked studying very much.  On a cold day in winter, Yang Shi was reading a book at home. Suddenly(突然), he met* a hard question. He thought* and thoug
Hello, everyone. My name is Linda. I’m nine years old. I’m thin(瘦的), short but cute. I’m from Daqing. I study in Aolin Primary School. I’m in Class 1, Grade 4.  I have many hobbies(爱好). I like reading
One afternoon, Rusty was going home happily. He didn’t notice* his friends, but went straight* into the house.  “What’s wrong with Rusty?” Buzz asked. “He didn’t notice us at all*.”  The friends all r
Look at the funny pictures and read the sentences. You will find it easy to remember the words and their sounds!
“让用户自愿为你做贡献”,这是新经济时代挖掘出来的生存秘籍。  2月2日,全球IT圈发生了一件轰动一时的大事:Facebook正式向美国证券交易委员会提交上市申请文件,启动IPO。这家刚刚运营8年,却已坐拥全球8亿用户的“巨无霸”,融资目标是50亿美元,并以750亿~1000亿美元的估值,打破了全球互联网企业IPO的估值记录。  是谁造就了Facebook?借助《社交网络》这部问鼎奥斯卡巨奖的影片
Look at the funny pictures and read the sentences. You will find it easy to remember the words and their sounds(发音)!
目前来看,虽然中国的企业尤其是民营企业足迹已遍布全世界,但还没有真正树立起良好的形象和应有的地位,最核心的原因就是骨子里缺少商业文化的熏陶,对普适的商业规则未给予足够的重视和贯彻。中国企业越来越多地面向世界,如何吸收中国传统文化中的精华,结合“商道”,打造自己的商业文化,将是越来越多企业的必做功课。  这在教育方面同样也具有启示,学生毕业后直接面向商业社会,学校是否应该让他们在这之前就了解商业规则
一段时间以来,从筱原到曼罗兰再到柯达,国际印机制造业重磅新闻接踵而至。事实上,2011年国内印机制造企业日子过得也并不舒坦,甚至颇有些艰难。国内印机制造企业已到了必须尽快完成转型升级的时候,否则日子将愈加难熬。  1. 新媒体的迅速发展对传统印刷构成挑战,难免累及传统印刷设备制造企业。  数字技术和互联网的普及已极大地改变了人们的生活,由此带来非纸质阅读量日渐增加。尽管2010年报纸总印量有所反弹