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笔者所在的能源总厂担负着武钢水、电、风、汽等能源介质的生产供输任务,各岗位具有专业性强、危险性大、技术密集的特点,全厂共有站所(班组)274个。近两年来,能源总厂为提高站所长管理工作能力,特别注重青年站所长的培养,通过开展“三个一百”劳动竞赛,实施“3112”青年岗位工程,引入激励机制,拉大分配差距,按责任大小、技术水平取酬,实行总厂内部技师评聘,不仅使大批青年走上站所长岗位,而且涌现出一批杰出青年站所长典型。在总厂青年站所长中,有19人走上了干部管理岗位,其中2人走上了科干岗位,2人被评为武钢杰出青年岗位能手和武汉市新长征突击手标兵。纵观能源总厂在培养高素质青年站所长工作中的有益探索和有效尝试,我们可以看到他们在培养 The author’s energy plant is responsible for the production and transportation of water, electricity, wind, steam and other energy media in Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. Each station has the characteristics of strong professionalism, high danger and technology-intensive. The whole plant has a total of 274 A In the past two years, in order to improve the management abilities of the director of the station, the General Administration of Energy paid special attention to the training of director of the Youth Station and introduced the “3112” youth post project by introducing “three hundred” labor competitions and introducing incentives Mechanism to widen the distribution gap, according to the size of responsibility, technical level of remuneration, the implementation of appraisal within the plant technician, not only to a large number of young people stationed on the post, and emerged a group of prominent director of outstanding youth station. Among the directors of the Youth Station of the General Factory, 19 people took up positions in cadre management. Two of them took positions in the cadres’ posts and two were appraised as excellent young postmen in Wuhan Iron and Steel Company and the new Long March raid handlers in Wuhan. Looking at the Energy General Plant in the cultivation of high-quality youth station director of useful exploration and effective attempt, we can see that they are training
光子晶体是80年代末提出的新概念和新材料.文章简单回顾了光子晶体的历史,重点阐述其主要特征以及可能的应用,同时论述了研究光子晶体的几种理论方法 Photonic crystals are new
在几年的监理工作中,本人发现一些施工图设计存有通病,列出来与大家探讨 1考虑对周围相邻建筑物的影响 《建筑地基基础设计规范》(GU7-89)第4,1.1条、第4.1.5条对建筑物基础的埋深、间距、保护措施
患者 ,男性 ,5 6岁 ,因头痛 8天 ,伴精神异常 3天入院。患者于入院前 8天在工作中出现右侧头眼痛 ,呈持续性胀痛 ,并逐渐加重扩展为全头痛 ,伴发热 ,体温 37.7℃ ,无恶心、呕
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LES (Large-Eddy Simulation) computations were preformed to investigate the mechanisms of a kind of spanwisegroove for the passive control of laminar separation
小白兔在森林里采蘑菇。它看见一朵很漂亮的蘑菇,突然,这个小蘑菇说话了:“小白兔,你能别吃我吗?”小白兔摇摇头说:“可是妈妈让我采了蘑菇当晚饭。”    小蘑菇又说:“你不吃我,我就当你的雨伞。”唰的一声,小蘑菇变成了一把大大的蘑菇伞。小白兔很高兴,因为它终于有了一把能变大变小的自动伞。