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1901年,程绍迥出生于四川省黔江。20岁即赴美国爱阿华州立农工学院,专攻畜牧兽医专业,他用5年时间学完该院的6年课程,获兽医学博士学位和畜牧学学士学位,并被选为“全美优秀大学生荣誉学会”会员。继之,又进入美国约翰斯·霍普金斯大学公共卫生学院免疫学系,从事学习和研究,逾三年,他攻下该院的科学博士学位。1930年,他被选为美国“公共卫生荣誉学会”会员和“科学家荣誉学会”会员。程绍迥是我国兽医生药的奠基人之一。1932年,他任上海血清制造所的第一任主任,开始研制牛瘟血清、炭疽芽胞苗等生物药品,向牛瘟开战,于1935年消灭了上海的牛瘟,后又研究牛瘟弱毒疫苗,与已故 In 1901, Cheng Shaogu was born in Qianjiang, Sichuan Province. 20-year-old went to the United States Iowa State Agricultural College, specializing in animal husbandry and veterinary professional, he spent 5 years to finish the hospital’s 6-year course, received a veterinary doctorate and bachelor’s degree in animal husbandry and was named “National Outstanding College Students Honor Society ”member. After that, he entered the Department of Immunology of Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health and engaged in study and research. After more than three years, he took over the hospital’s Ph.D. In 1930 he was elected a member of the American Society of Public Health Honors and a Member of the Honorary Society of Scientists. Cheng Shao-jun is one of the founders of veterinary medicine in China. In 1932, he served as the first director of the Shanghai Institute of Serum, began the development of rinderpest serum, anthrax sprouts and other biological drugs, to the rinderpest in 1935, the elimination of Shanghai’s rinderpest, and then study the attenuated vaccine against rinderpest , And late
我们于1998年10月~1999年4月,对我市1253名学龄前儿童进行了弱视斜视调查,现将结果分析如下。1 对象与方法1.1 调查对象调查5所幼儿园1253例4~6岁儿童,其中男634例,女619例,按年龄分为4岁组、5岁组、6岁组。1.2 调查方法
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国有企业产权不明晰是我国产生腐败的最深厚的经济根源,这不但会造成企业腐败,而且会引发党政机关腐败。本文针对此提出遏制腐败的五条对策。 The unclear property rights of