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空中的白云诗意地飘袅,枝间的啼鸟悠扬地歌唱,路边的野花尽情地吐芳,江边的麦浪轻盈地摇荡……哦,夏天来了,夏天的景物原也这么可人啊!虽然说,一年四季,季季多情、月月多景,可谓春有春意、夏有夏味、秋有秋趣、冬有冬韵,但是,夏天更是一个孕育生机、充满激情、张扬活力的时节。此时,我伫立在初夏的曹娥江十八里景观带上,看那淡淡的阳光里、清清的夏风里,绿草如茵,柳絮如雪,粉蝶如织,太美妙了。在初夏的怀抱中,江水平静了,江岸沉醉了,江景芬芳了。这夏日的诗情画意,令人感受良深,浮想联翩,情不自禁地想起了从前在家乡的夏日生活 The clouds in the sky poetically flutter, singing birds singing in the branches, the roadside wildflowers enjoy the spit, the water waves on the river gently sway ... ... Oh, the summer is coming, the summer scenery was so original ah Although it is said that all seasons and seasons are sentimental, with many views on the moon and the moon, it is a spring with spring, a summer with a summer flavor, a autumn with a autumn flavor, and a winter with a rhyme. However, the summer is a birthplace full of passion and publicity Vibrant season. At this time, I stood in the early summer Cao’e River Shibalili belt, watching the light of the sun, the clear summer wind, grass, catkins such as snow, butterflies such as weaving, so wonderful. In the embrace of early summer, the river is calm, the riverbank is intoxicated, the river view is fragrant. This summer’s poetic, impressive, imaginative, can not help but think of the summer in his hometown in the past
中华传统文化作为中华文明五千年发展的历史结晶,具有特定的民族属性与历史继承性。传承其精华,弘扬其精髓具有重要意义。 As a historical crystallization of the 5,000 y
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