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如何适应时代要求以创新的思路来提高对干部选拔任用工作监督的质量,这是干部工作面临的一个新课题。 改变就过程来监督的认知定势,强化效能意识,注重“经济因素”对干部选拔任用的影响 对干部工作的监督,常规的思维方针是重点监督干部选拔任用的过程,对干部选拔任用质量的监督却重视和研究不够。要克服这一不足,在干部选任工作中必须引入经济学的有关思维方式,注重“经济因素”对干部选拔任用的影响。在监督干部选任工作质量方面至少重视以下三方面原理的运用: 一是机会成本的运用,把干部放在最能充分发挥作用的位置上。机会成本原理是西方经济学的重要理论,它是指使 How to Adapt to the Requirements of the Times and Raise the Quality of Supervision over the Selection and Appointment of Cadres with Innovative Ideas This is a new task confronting cadres. Change the process of monitoring the cognitive posture, strengthen the sense of effectiveness, focusing on “economic factors” on the selection and appointment of cadres on the supervision of cadres work, the conventional principle of thinking is to supervise the process of selecting and appointing cadres, the quality of the selection and appointment of cadres However, the supervision is not enough. To overcome this deficiency, we must introduce the relevant thinking mode of economics in the work of selecting cadres and pay attention to the influence of “economic factors” on the selection and appointment of cadres. At least the following three principles should be applied in monitoring the quality of the work of selecting and appointing cadres: First, the use of opportunity cost places cadres on positions that are most capable of giving full play to their roles. The principle of opportunity cost is an important theory in western economics
Antimicrobial peptides(AMPs)are making headlines in science because they demonstrate superior microbicidal characteristics compared to synthetic and semi-synthe
据《中国冶金报》报道 近年来 ,舞钢利用自己的设备优势 ,积极研制开发以P2 0、718为代表的精品塑料模具钢 ,其实物质量在国内处于领先水平 ,2 0 0mm以下的产品已逐步替代了进