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拉丁美洲亚马孙河流域的8国外长3月上旬聚会于厄瓜多尔首都—基多,召开第3届“亚马孙合作条约”会议,商讨如何合理开发和利用本地区的资源以及保护亚马孙河流域的热带雨林免遭进一步破坏。 亚马孙河发源于几千公里长的安第斯山脉,沿途汇聚了1,100多条支流,是世界上水量最大的河流。专家们统计,这条河流平 The eight foreign ministers of the Amazon region of Latin America met in early March in Ecuador’s capital Quito to hold the 3rd “Amazon Cooperation Treaty” meeting to discuss how to rationalize the development and utilization of resources in the region and to protect the tropical rain forest in the Amazon River basin Was further damaged. Originated in the Andes, thousands of kilometers long, the Amazon River brings together more than 1,100 tributaries along the way and is the world’s largest river. Experts statistics, the river level
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