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科技中介服务机构的发展程度,越来越成为地方经济对科技依赖程度的标志,也成为了科技对经济贡献率的现实体现。综观国际环境,科技对经济的贡献率越高的国家和地区科技中介机构越健全,科技中介机构的活动越活跃。正由于科学技术转化为现实的生产力创造的经济效益和社会效益才促进了科技中介服务机构的迅速发展和功能的不断完善。本文根据对世界科技经济强国、我国发达地区发展概况的了解和对本地区科技中介机构发展状况的掌握,浅析了我市科技中介机构发展中存在的不足并提出了几点发展建议,希望能够对地区科技中介机构的发展和研究科技中介机构与科技贡献率之间的关系提供有益的参考。 The degree of development of science and technology intermediary service agencies has increasingly become a sign of the degree of reliance on science and technology by local economies and has also become a realistic manifestation of the contribution rate of science and technology to the economy. Looking at the international environment, the more perfect the S & T intermediaries in the countries and regions where the contribution of science and technology to the economy is higher, the more active the S & T intermediaries will be. The economic benefits and social benefits created by the transformation of science and technology into practical productive forces have promoted the rapid development of science and technology intermediary service agencies and the continuous improvement of their functions. Based on the understanding of the development of science and technology economy in the world and the developed regions in our country and the development of science and technology intermediary agencies in our region, this paper analyzes the shortcomings in the development of science and technology intermediary agencies in our region and puts forward some suggestions for development. Regional science and technology agencies and the development of science and technology intermediary agencies and the relationship between the contribution rate of science and technology provide a useful reference.
美国西点军校有一句名言:“心态决定一切。”  哈佛大学曾做过一个著名的实验:首先把小白鼠A与B放在不同的水池里。片刻后,往小白鼠A所在的水池里放入一块小木板,小白鼠A迅速跳上了木板,小白鼠B则在水里挣扎了10分钟,感觉实在无望,就放弃了。接着,再把这两只小白鼠放入同一个水池中。小白鼠A竟然扑腾了1个小时,而小白鼠B却不到5分钟便沉入水中。  为什么在同样的境遇下,小白鼠A可以坚持那么久,而小白鼠B
一、等质量的不同种活泼金属单质与足量的稀酸溶液反应时,放出气体的质量,可用反应生成的盐中金属元素的化合价与其原子量之比来衡量.其比值大者,放出气体的质量较大. First
一、数形结合思想例1给定两个长度为1的平面向量(?)和(?),它们的夹角为120°.如图所示,点C在以O为圆心的圆弧(?)上变动。若(?)=x(?)+y(?),其中x,y∈R,则x+y的最 First, the
文中结合工程实例介绍了黄土基坑降排水设计。其中一些具体设计方法有明显的特性,并已被实践证明是可行的,可供本地区类似工程设计参考。 In this paper, the dewatering de
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