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据苏联《技术与装备》1984年第12期报道,美国空军及海军现已装备了有控炸弹。制导方式有两种,一种是激光制导,另一种为热成象制导。据称,法国也研制了类似美国的激光制导炸弹。激光制导炸弹,在使用时要从飞机或地面上用激光照射目标,炸弹根据目标反射回来的激光光束进行导引。有控炸弹的自动导引头,在求出炸弹飞行速度矢量方向与被照射目标方向之间的夹角后,控制系统便发出相应的指令使舵偏转,并校正有控炸弹的飞行弹道。热成象制导的炸弹,装有热象仪,飞行员(或操作手)在机仓内热象仪屏上可以看见目标的图象。导引方式分为自动导引和指令导引两类。 According to the Soviet Union, “Technology and Equipment” No. 12 of 1984 reported that the United States Air Force and the Navy are now equipped with a controlled bomb. There are two kinds of guidance methods, one is laser guidance and the other is thermal imaging guidance. Allegedly, France also developed a laser-guided bomb similar to the United States. Laser-guided bombs, when used in the aircraft or the ground from the laser irradiation target, the bomb based on the target reflected laser beam guidance. An automatic seeker with a controlled bomb obtains the angle between the vector of the bomb flight velocity and the direction of the target to be irradiated, and then the control system issues a corresponding instruction to deflect the helm and correct the flight trajectory of the controlled bomb. Thermal imaging-guided bomb, equipped with thermal imager, the pilot (or operator) in the machine room thermal imager screen can see the target image. Guidance is divided into automatic guidance and instruction guidance of two categories.
知识经济悄然兴起,是一场无声的革命,它对我们的生产、生活、思维方式,无疑将产生重大影响。 在知识经济走近时,美国、日本未雨绸缪,采取“依靠高等学校与工业界相结合”的
用这种高级的地面站,仅用一分钟,就可将一枚 AMRAAM(先进中距空对空导弹)完全测试完毕。该地面站可用于实验室、军用场站或者工厂。由于导弹硬件升温时间的限制,在60秒钟内
BACKGROUND:Previous studies have demonstrated that the combination of olfactory ensheathing cells(OECs) and neurotrophic factor-3(NT-3) in the rat lateral ventr
休斯公司在4月18日的第五次有制导的发射试验中,连续成功地击中机动靶机 QF-100“超佩刀”。这是 AMRAAM 首次从机动飞机上对机动目标的发射。AMRAAM是从通用动力公司的 F-1