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抗坏血酸被认为是细胞外液中非常重要的一种抗氧化剂,在眼内可以保护房水、晶状体及视网膜等组织免受光损伤[1].临床上玻璃体切割手术中常用的玻璃体填充物内均无抗坏血酸成分,但玻璃体切割手术后内源性抗坏血酸是否可以在短时期内恢复到正常生理水平,国内外尚无报导.我们结合微透析技术与高效液相-电化学检测法 (HPLC-ECD),通过长期测定玻璃体内抗坏血酸的含量,探讨正常家兔玻璃体部分切除术后玻璃体内内源性抗氧化物质--抗坏血酸产生的规律。

Design space exploration(DSE) is an important step before the physical level design of Field programmable gate arrays(FPGA). An optimum architecture is usually
给出了 NOVASCOPE 40 0 0型超声测厚仪对某长空心轴壁厚的实测结果 ,分析了测量精度 ,提出了获得最佳精度的方法。 The measured results of NOVASCOPE 40 0 ​​0 ultrason
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Since interconnects play the increasingly important role in delay and area of the Fieldprogrammable gate array(FPGA) implementations, routing architecture desig
Statistics shows that over 95% of FPGA manufacturing test time is spent on loading test configuration bitstreams. Reducing the test time that spent on loading t
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