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德州安、温家族是有史记载的、传承至今的全国唯一一支古代海外君主留华后裔。明永乐十五年(1417),菲律宾群岛南部的苏禄国国王来华访问,受到明王朝的隆重接待。苏禄王一行在京居27日,拜辞回国,一行沿运河南下,途经德州,苏禄东王巴都葛·叭答剌不幸构疾病故。永乐皇帝深为哀悼,遣官谕祭,以王礼厚葬,建墓修祠。苏禄王病逝后,永乐帝敕封王长子都马含为苏禄东王,命其率众归国。王妃葛木宁、次子安都鲁、三子温哈剌等十人,留居中国守墓。从此以后,苏禄王后裔世代生活在德州。王子安都鲁、温哈剌的子孙分别取“安”、“温”为姓,逐步形成了德州苏禄王后裔——安、温家族。自明初以来,苏禄王后裔繁衍生息,与当地回族逐步融合,在王墓东侧,形成了富有特色的回族守陵村落——北营。 Texas An, Wen family is a historical record, inherited so far the only ancient overseas monarchs to stay in China. Ming Wing-lok fifteen years (1417), the southern island of Sulu, the Philippines archipelago king visited China by the Ming dynasty grand reception. Sulu Wang and his entourage in Beijing on the 27th, returning home from worship, his party along the canal south, via Texas, the eastern king of Sulu Lubu Ge diatribe unfortunately misconstrued disease. Yongle Emperor deep condolences, sent officials encyclical, to Wang Li thick burial, build tomb repair Temple. Sulu King died of illness, the emperor Yongle emperor seal all horses with Sulu East King, ordered the return of their homeland. Princess Ge Mulin, the second son of Andoruba, the third son Wenha assassination ten people, stay in China keep the tomb. Since then, Sulu’s descendants lived in Texas for generations. The princes Andoru, Wen Hashi assailants respectively take “An ”, “Warm ” for the surname, and gradually formed the Texas Sulu descendants - An, Wen family. Since the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the Deshu kinship flourished and gradually merged with the local Hui people. On the eastern side of the tomb, a distinctive ethnic village of the Shou-ling refugee, Beiying, formed.
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Burden of potentially human papillomavirus associated cancers of the oropharynx and oral cavity in the US,1998-2003.Ryerson AB,Peters ES,Coughlin SS,et al.Cance