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徐州医科大学附属医院介入科于2012-2015年间承担了江苏省科技支撑计划临床专项项目《布-加综合征介入诊疗规范化研究》课题(编号:BL2012021),经过3年临床研究,结合20余年2150余例的病例总结,2016年1月14日在徐州市召开了布加综合征介入诊疗规范化研究论证会,来自中国医师协会腔内血管学专业委员会腔静脉阻塞专家委员会及国内从事布-加综合征研究的介入放射学、血管外科学、病理学和影像诊断学专家就布-加综合症分型与亚型的划分进行了充分和深入的讨论,与会专家一致达成亚型界定的共识:肝静脉阻塞亚型为肝静脉/副肝静脉膜性阻塞、肝静脉节段性阻塞、肝静脉广泛性阻塞、肝静脉阻塞伴血栓形成;下腔静脉阻塞亚型为下腔静脉膜性带孔阻塞、下腔静脉膜性阻塞、下腔静脉节段性阻塞、下腔静脉阻塞伴血栓形成.混合型亚型为肝静脉和下腔静脉阻塞、肝静脉和下腔静脉阻塞伴血栓形成,共10个亚型.“,”From 2012 to 2015 the Department of Interventional Radiology of the Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University undertook the clinical special research subject “Study on the standardization of interventional diagnosis and treatment of Budd-Chiari syndrome”(No.BL2012021), a program supported by the Department of Science and Technology of Jiangsu Province.Based on the clinical results of three years research and the scientific summary of the experience from more than 2150 cases accumulated in more than 20 years, the Department of Interventional Radiology of the Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University presided over a demonstration meeting about “the standardization of interventional diagnosis and treatment of Budd-Chiari syndrome” on January 14, 2016 in Xuzhou City of Jiangsu Province, China.The scholars from the Expert Committee on Vena Cava Obstruction of Specialized Committee of Endovascology, Chinese Medical Doctor Association, as well as the experts from the related medical fields, including interventional radiology, vascular surgery, pathology and diagnostic imaging, who have been engaged in the study of Budd-Chiari syndrome, attended the meeting, and in the meeting the participants made a full and thorough discussion on the classification and subtypes of Budd-Chiari syndrome.The scholars and experts have unanimously reached a consensus on the subtype definition of Budd-Chiari syndrome: the Budd Chiari syndrome is suggested to be classified into the hepatic vein occlusion subtype, the inferior vena cava occlusion subtype and mixed occlusion subtype, including 10 subtype entities in total.The hepatic vein occlusion subtype includes membranous occlusion of hepatic vein/accessory hepatic vein, segmental occlusion of hepatic vein, extensive occlusion of hepatic vein, and hepatic vein occlusion associated with thrombus formation.The inferior vena cava occlusion subtype includes inferior vena cava membranous occlusion with hole in membrane, inferior vena cava membranous occlusion, segmental occlusion of inferior vena cava, and inferior vena cava occlusion with thrombus formation.The mixed occlusion subtype includes occlusion of hepatic vein and inferior vane cava, and occlusion of hepatic vein and inferior vane cava associated with thrombus formation.
【摘 要】 在临床上,颅脑损伤是一种常见的病症,主要是由于外伤原因导致的颅骨损伤,这种病症往往会引发多种并发症,其中尿崩症就是一种,对患者造成严重不利的影响。下面本文就分析颅脑损伤并发尿崩症产生的主要原因,然后提出相应的护理策略,希望可以为相关的从业人员提供一些参考和建议。  【关键词】 颅脑损伤 尿崩症 原因 护理策略  颅脑损伤并发尿崩症属于垂体性尿崩症,主要是由于患者下丘脑-垂体受到损伤,导
摘 要:湖南省装备制造业长期以来,只是重生产、轻流通,造成物流成本居高不下。如何降低装备制造业成本,不断提高企业效益,以及如何控制物流成本,最终促进行业和企业可持续发展,是湖南省装备制造业管理者不得不面对的重要问题。为此,积极探求影响湖南省湖南省装备制造业物流成本与产业发展、价格水平的关系,意义重大。   关键词:湖南;装备制造业;物流成本;产业发展;价格发展  在当今社会中物流业所起到的运输作
目的 采用mRNA差异显示技术 (mRNAdifferentialdisplay,mRNADD) ,寻找MPTP诱导和未诱导的猴中脑黑质组织差异表达的cDNA。 方法 对诱导侧及未诱导侧的黑质mRNA用 3′端 3