
来源 :中国采购发展报告 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ronglao2009
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2011年是“十二五”的开局之年,我国钢铁工业总体运行态势良好,国内钢铁市场因基础设施建设投资和工业生产的平稳增长,特别是国家对于保障性住房投资力度的加大,需求较为旺盛,带动钢铁生产大幅增长。但受国内经济增速回落、钢铁下游需求增速放缓和钢铁资源总量供大于求等因素的影响,国内钢铁市场价格呈现为前三季度高位波动、第四季度明显下跌的走势。2012年是我国实施“十二五”规划承上启下的重要一年,我国经济仍将面临国际经济环境不稳定、内外需放缓的局面,钢铁工业将在“十二五”规划和市场对资源有效配置的共同作用下,推进兼并重组,淘汰落后和过剩产能,逐步提升产品质量,调整结构,推动钢铁工业转型升级,提高钢铁工业整体竞争力。 2011 is the first year of the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”, and the overall operation of China’s steel industry is in good shape. The domestic steel market is steadily growing due to the investment in infrastructure construction and steady industrial production growth. In particular, the state’s investment in affordable housing is intensifying , The demand is more vigorous, leading to a substantial increase in steel production. However, influenced by such factors as the slowdown of domestic economic growth, the slowdown in the demand of steel downstream and the oversupply of the total steel resources, the domestic steel market price fluctuated sharply in the first three quarters and dropped significantly in the fourth quarter. 2012 is an important year for China to implement the “12th Five-Year Plan”, and its economy will still face the unstable international economic environment and the slowdown of domestic and international needs. The steel industry will continue its planning in the “12th Five-Year Plan” With the effective allocation of resources to the market, the Group will promote mergers and acquisitions, eliminate backward and excess capacity, gradually improve product quality and adjust its structure to promote the transformation and upgrading of the steel industry and increase the overall competitiveness of the steel industry.
芫荽在上海地区俗称香菜 ,是伞形花科的一、二年生蔬菜作物。据测定 ,每 10 0g鲜菜中含钙 14 5mg、磷 4 2mg、铁 4 5mg、维C 35mg以及一定的B族维生素等 ,营养十分丰富。中医认为芫荽性