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1995年高考物理试题中第30题为:如图所示,一排入站在沿x轴的水平轨道旁,原点O两侧的人的序号都记为,n(n=1、2、3、……)。每人只有一个沙袋,x>0一侧的每个沙袋质量为m=10千克,x<0一侧的每个沙袋质量为m'=14千克。一质量为M=48千克的小车以某初速度从原点出发向x正方向滑行,不计轨道阻力。当车每经过一人身旁时,此人就把沙袋以水平速度v朝与车速相反的方向沿车面扔到车上,v的大小等F扔此袋之前的瞬间车速大小的2n倍(n是此人的序号数)。(1)空车出发后,车上堆积了几个沙袋时车就反向滑行?(2)车上最终有大小沙袋共多少个? The 30th question in the 1995 college entrance examination physics test questions is as follows: As shown in the figure, a row of inbound stations is located along a horizontal track along the x-axis, and the serial numbers of persons on both sides of the origin O are denoted as n (n=1, 2, 3). ,......). Each person has only one sandbag. The mass of each sandbag on the x>0 side is m=10kg, and the mass of each sandbag on the x<0 side is m’=14kg. A trolley with a mass of M=48 kilograms starts from the origin at a certain initial speed and taxis in the positive x direction, excluding the orbital resistance. Whenever the car passes by a person, the person throws the sandbag along the surface of the vehicle at the horizontal speed v in the opposite direction to the speed of the vehicle. The size of the v is 2n times the size of the instantaneous speed before throwing the bag. Is the serial number of this person). (1) After an empty car starts, when the car has accumulated a few sandbags, the car will slide in the opposite direction. (2) How many sandbags are there in total?
8例孤立肾因结石梗阻尿潴留经急诊肾盂输尿管切开取石和膀胱镜下取石,肾功能皆恢复. 8 cases of isolated renal obstruction due to stone obstruction urinary retention by
分析输尿管肿瘤35例的临床表现及各种特殊检测方法的术前确诊率为60%-90%以上。传统性肾输尿管全切及输尿管口膀胱袖口状切除仍是基本手术方式。 35 cases of ureteral tumor a
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模式是学生思维中的一种信息块,用得活,记忆深。例1 已知a_1=a,a_(n+1)=ba_n+c(b、c为常数,且b≠1),求数列{a_n}的通项公式。这可以应用解析几何中的一种模式。在直线y=kx+b
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“配积”技巧应用例举271000山东泰安十九中尹承利引例证明方程且表示一个圆的方程,并指出圆心及圆的半径.证明zz+Az+Az+AA—AA+a一0,.”.(z+A)(z+A)一lA。一:,.’.fi+AI’一Inl’一a,即DZ十AD一/厂引了二工.... The application of the