十年前,适逢哥伦布发现新大陆500周年之际, 我司将《拉丁美洲市场指南》奉献给了对外经济贸易战线的同行,期待对拉美和加勒比市场来一次“再发现”。巧合的是,正好十年之后,《世界机电经贸信息》拟出一期拉美专刊,宣传拉美和加勒比市场。十年弹指一挥间,值得欣慰的是中拉经贸关系已获得了极大的发展。 1992年,中国与拉美和加勒比的双边贸易仅为29.7亿美元,而到2002年,中拉双边贸易额已达到178.3亿美元,十年增长五倍。1992年,中国对拉美
Ten years ago coinciding with the 500th anniversary of the discovery of the New World by Columbus, we dedicated the Guide to Latin American Markets to our counterparts in the foreign trade and economic cooperation and look forward to a “rediscovery” of the Latin American and Caribbean markets. Coincidentally, just ten years later, “World Electrical and Mechanical Economic and Trade Information” to prepare a Latin American special issue, promote Latin American and Caribbean markets. It is gratifying to note that the economic and trade relations between China and Latin America has gained tremendous development. In 1992, bilateral trade between China and Latin America and the Caribbean was only 2.97 billion U.S. dollars. By 2002, bilateral trade between China and Latin America had reached 17.83 billion U.S. dollars, a five-fold increase in ten years. In 1992, China to Latin America