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采用1957与1982年的地形图和1995与2008年两时相的卫星影像提取城镇建设用地信息,运用ArcGIS建立广佛都市区路网与建设用地数据库。采用相关性分析方法,定量地分析广佛都市区道路密度与建设用地之间的影响。结果表明,道路密度和城镇建设用地比重两个变量系数之间呈高度的线性正相关关系,不同年份区镇的道路密度与城镇建设用地具有相互影响关系。道路密度高的区域一般对应城镇建设用地密集的区域,道路密度发展快的区域一般对应城镇建设用地扩展快的区域。从1957-1982年和1982-1995年两个时期来看,道路发展较快分区要多于城镇建设用地扩展较快的分区,城镇建设用地的扩展稍滞后于道路发展,城镇建设用地的扩展受道路发展的影响。1995-2008年时期城镇建设用地迅速发展,较快发展的分区明显多于道路发展较快的分区,城镇建设用地的扩展也反作用于道路的发展。 Using the topographic maps of 1957 and 1982 and the satellite images of the two phases in 1995 and 2008, the information of urban construction land was extracted and ArcGIS was used to establish the Guangfo metropolitan road network and construction land database. The correlation analysis method is used to quantitatively analyze the influence of road density and construction land in Guangfo metropolitan area. The results show that there is a high linear positive correlation between the road density and the coefficient of urban construction land use. The road density of urban district in different years has an interactive relationship with the urban construction land. Areas with high road density generally correspond to areas with dense urban construction land, and areas with fast road density growth generally correspond to areas with rapid expansion of urban construction. From the two periods of 1957-1982 and 1982-1995, the rapid development of roads was more than the rapid expansion of urban construction land. The expansion of urban construction land slightly lagged behind that of road development. The expansion of urban construction land The impact of road development. In 1995-2008, the land for urban construction has been rapidly developed. The rapid development of sub-areas is obviously more than the rapid development of sub-areas. The expansion of urban construction land also has an effect on the development of the road.
八卷十期金钟达君,利用蓄电箱电流装置巢础,使用便利,减少麻烦。今敝人以交流电装置巢础,以供各地同志研究,使用。交流电,有二二○伏脱与一一○伏脱,在沪 Eight volumes of