
来源 :中国医院管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaopirate
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根据医院成本管理原理和我国管理现状,站在社会大系统角度考虑,就医院成本管理的三个关键问题提出看法。认为明确医院的社会角色,正确定位是运作前提;动员社会力量,由政府组织制定好医院成本会计制度是运作基础;立法推行,分步实施是运作程序。通过医院成本管理制度,能有效改善医院内部管理状态,同时也为政府和社会提供了正确评价医院的依据,合理确定医疗价格的依据、公正支付医疗保险金的依据,是宏观控制医院经营行为和平抑医疗费用上涨的有力手段。 According to the principle of hospital cost management and the current status of China’s management, from the perspective of a large-scale social system, we propose opinions on three key issues of hospital cost management. It is considered that clarifying the social role of the hospital and correctly positioning it are the preconditions for the operation; the mobilization of social forces, the establishment of a hospital cost accounting system by the government organization is the basis for operation, and the implementation of the legislation and step-by-step implementation are the operational procedures. Through the hospital cost management system, it can effectively improve the internal management status of the hospital. It also provides the government and society with the basis for the correct assessment of the hospital, reasonably determines the basis for the medical price, and the basis for the fair payment of medical insurance benefits. It is a macroscopic control of the hospital’s business operations and Suppression of the rising cost of medical care.
这一天是2000年1月31日,刚刚进入新千年的第一个月末,人们还未抹去心头那喜迎千年的激动和兴奋,所有的新千年计划都将在千年中实施,名人们更是如此。我所在的《国际音 乐交流》杂志社与
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驱魔人(大法师)(The Exorcist)华纳兄弟影片公司(Warner Bros, USA) 1973年出品主演:埃伦·伯斯泰因(Ellen Burstyn) 琳达·布莱尔(Linda BSlair) 马克斯·冯·赛多(Max von Sydow) 李·考伯(L The Exorcist Warner Bros, USA 1973 Produced Starring: Ellen
所谓人生,即是周而复始的诚实、友好、信任的给予与被给予。 The so-called life is the honest, friendly and trustful giving and giving.
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