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一、关于德国课堂中世界史课程的想法德国学校体制不同于世界其他地方。它并不为学生们提供任何世界史课程——当然并非有人故意为之,因为当前的教育讨论正在十分热烈地讨论着“全球化时代”对教育规划和决策所产生的影响,然而这种讨论并不能保证相关课程不会被遗漏。在德国,大量学者参与讨论有关历史教学的未来、彻底遗漏学习“世界史”的问题,特别是关于在全球范围内被概念化的“世界史”这样一个新概念和新课程。这些讨论与大学理事会、大学预修课或“世界史国家标准”联系在一起。此外,许多影响课程发展的德国历史学家们也对世界史表现出某种程度上的保留。其原因不仅是他们在国家史方面的专业化, I. Thoughts on the World History Curriculum in German Classroom The German school system is different from the rest of the world. It does not provide students with any lessons in the world history - certainly not someone on purpose because current educational discussions are talking very lively about the implications of “Globalization ” on educational planning and decision making, yet this Discussions do not guarantee that the course will not be missed. In Germany, a large number of scholars participated in the discussion about the future of history teaching, completely omitting the question of studying “world history”, especially about such a new concept and new curriculum as “world history” conceptualized in the world. These discussions are associated with the University Board, pre-university studies, or “national history of world history.” In addition, many German historians who influenced course development also showed some reservations about world history. The reason is not only their specialization in the history of the country,
~(125)I-BSA and human ~(125)I-DNA fragments have been prepared for tests of loading efficiencyby the erythrocyte ghosts, which is found to be 3.7 and 3.0 per c
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