
来源 :天然气地球科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sinox2006
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琼东南盆地煤层主要分布于下渐新统崖城组,煤样的灰分含量在13.59%~58.33%之间,炭质泥岩灰分含量在56.08%~81.33%之间,煤中灰分来源于煤中的矿物质。煤样中的矿物质主要为粘土、硫化物(黄铁矿)和石英等。煤样全硫含量在1.07%~6.39%之间,大多数煤为高硫煤。煤样均为烟煤,煤样挥发份含量在17.97%~33.53%之间。煤的有机组分总量在61.7%~96.1%之间,炭质泥岩样品有机组分总量在38.5%~59.8%之间。样品的显微有机组分以镜质组为主,其含量在58.4%~98%之间;惰质组次之,含量在1.4%~3.5%之间;煤样几乎不含壳质组。煤样中微镜煤含量在46.7%~93.2%之间,炭质泥岩样品中微镜煤含量在18.2%~31.6%之间。由于煤中矿物组分、挥发份及硫分含量相对较高,该地区煤的碳含量较低,最低为25.09%,最高为65.60%,其碳含量明显低于烟煤碳含量。焦渣以粘着、弱粘性和不熔融粘结为主。煤样最大镜质组反射率在1.04%~1.23%之间,平均值为1.14%,反映了煤岩的变质程度较高,在肥煤—焦煤之间,为中等变质程度的烟煤,正处于煤化作用的第二次跃变阶段,有利于气体的大量排出,在合适的保存条件下,有利于形成煤成气田。 The coal seams of Qiongdongnan Basin are mainly distributed in Yacheng Formation of Lower Oligocene. The ash content of coal samples is between 13.59% ~ 58.33%, the ash content of carbonaceous mudstone is between 56.08% ~ 81.33%, and the ash in coal comes from coal Minerals. Minerals in the coal samples are mainly clay, sulfide (pyrite) and quartz. The total sulfur content of coal samples was between 1.07% and 6.39%, and most of the coal was high sulfur coal. Coal samples are bituminous coal, coal sample volatile content between 17.97% ~ 33.53%. The total organic components of coal range from 61.7% to 96.1%, and the total organic components of carbonaceous mudstone samples range from 38.5% to 59.8%. The microscopic organic components of the sample are dominated by vitrinite, with the contents ranging from 58.4% to 98%, followed by the inertinite ranging from 1.4% to 3.5%. The coal samples contain almost no chitin group. The micro-mirror coal content in coal samples ranged from 46.7% to 93.2%, and the micro-mirror coal content in carbonaceous mudstone samples ranged from 18.2% to 31.6%. Due to the relatively high content of mineral components, volatile matter and sulfur in coal, the carbon content of coal in this area is relatively low, with a minimum of 25.09% and a maximum of 65.60%. Its carbon content is obviously lower than that of bituminous coal. Coking residue to sticky, weakly viscous and non-fusion bonding based. The reflectivity of the largest vitrinite in the coal samples ranged from 1.04% to 1.23% with an average of 1.14%, reflecting the high degree of metamorphism of coal and rock. The bituminous coal with medium metamorphism between fat coal and coking coal is in the The second transitional stage of coalification is conducive to the massive gas discharge, under the appropriate preservation conditions, is conducive to the formation of coal gas field.
6:40起床,大家汇合之后7:45出发,告别沉睡中的拉萨城,一路向东。天空星月微明,空气干爽清冷,拉萨河水如墨玉翡翠般哗哗奔流。  一小时后到达墨竹工卡县城,天刚麻麻亮,西方的山地泛着一抹霞光,上橘下蓝,层次分明,太阳该出来了。在县财政局门口的小包子铺一顿饱餐,始觉身上温暖了许多。街面上依旧安安静静,县城还猫在被窝里,老婆孩子热炕头,睡眼惺忪。  沿路牌向北,顺拉萨河谷溯流而上,鸟群开始忙碌了,黑