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劳动部、国家经贸委最近提出做好失业保险工作的十条意见,以配合建立现代企业制度试点和优化资本结构城市试点(以下简称两项改革试点)工作的开展。一、要从保证社会稳定的大局出发,对两项改革试点过程中分流的富余职工和出现的失业职工,按照企业安置、个人自谋职业和社会帮助安置相结合的原则进行再安置,运用失业保险基金,提供基本生活保障,为两项改革试点的顺利进行创造条件。二、认真开展调查摸底工作,掌握现代企业制度试点企业富余职工的情况;测算优化资本结构城市试点破产和停产整顿企业职工的情况,为制定有关政策提供依据。三、各地劳动部门要指导现代企业制度试点企业制定富余职工分流安置方案,指导破产和停产整顿企业制定失业职工的安置计划。四、对国务院确定的百家 The Ministry of Labor and the State Economic and Trade Commission have recently put forward 10 suggestions on doing a good job in unemployment insurance so as to support the pilot project of establishing a modern enterprise system and optimizing the pilot city of capital structure (hereinafter referred to as the “two pilot reform projects”). First, we must proceed from the overall situation of ensuring social stability, relocate surplus workers who have been diverted during the pilot reform of the two reforms and unemployed workers in accordance with the principle of combining enterprise resettlement, individual self-employment with social assistance and resettlement, and use unemployment Insurance funds, to provide basic living security, to create conditions for the smooth conduct of the two reform pilot. Second, conscientiously carry out the investigation work, master the surplus workers of the pilot enterprise of the modern enterprise system; estimate the capital structure of the city pilot bankruptcy and stop the rectification of enterprise workers, to provide the basis for the formulation of relevant policies. Third, the labor departments at various localities should guide the pilot enterprises of the modern enterprise system in formulating the diversion resettlement plan for surplus workers, direct the bankruptcy and stop production and rectify the resettlement plan for enterprises laid off by unemployed workers. Fourth, the State Department identified 100
目的探讨呼吸机相关性肺炎(VAP)患者肠道和肺部微生态结构变化及其之间的相关性。方法采用前瞻性观察性研究方法,纳入2019年5月1日至2020年5月1日入住宁夏医科大学总医院重症医学科的31例VAP患者,收集患者同一天的粪便及肺泡灌洗液样本,利用16S rRNA测序技术对粪便和肺泡灌洗液样本进行菌群组成及结构的生物学信息分析,综合测序结果及患者临床资料进行统一分析。结果① VAP患者肺泡灌洗液中菌
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