一、概 况《上海农业学报》是由上海市农学会和上海市农业科学院联合主办、国内外公开发行的农业综合性学术季刊 ,创刊于 1985年 2月 ,刊号为CN31 140 5/S ;ISSN10 0 0 392 4 ;CODENSHNXED。国内发行代号 4 52 3。重点反映上海市 (及长江中下游邻近地区 )
I. Overview Shanghai Agricultural Journal is jointly sponsored by Shanghai Agricultural Association and Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences. It is a comprehensive agricultural quarterly academic quarterly published in China and overseas. It was first published in February 1985 with serial number CN31 140 5 / S and ISSN10 0 0 392 4; CODENSHNXED. Domestic issue code 4 523. Focus on Shanghai (and adjacent areas in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River)