Characteristics of the bandwidth in gain-clamped erbium-doped fiber amplifiers

来源 :Chinese Journal of Lasers | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:k5261715
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A new method for determining the gain pro files in gain-clamped erbiumdoped fiber amplifier(EDFAs) is propsed. Analytical model for gain profiles is complately characterized from easily measuted perameters at only one signal wavelength: erbium-doping abeorption cocfficient, background loss coefficient, and temperature. It is shown that results predicted from the model agtee well with the experiment data, confirming the validity of the theoretical model. Using this model, we analyze the effects of the lasing wavelengths and the Cavity losses on amplifier bandwidth in gnin-clamped EDFAs. It is found that lasing wavelengths and cavity losses have a great influence on the amplifier bendwidth for Er-doped germano-aluminosilcate fiber with high A1 concentration and have no effects for Er-doped germanoslicate fiber. A new method for determining the gain pro files in gain-clamped erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFAs) is propsed. Analytical model for gain profiles is compiallyly characterized from easily measurable perameters at only one signal wavelength: erbium-doping abeorption cocfficient, background loss coefficient, using this model, we analyze the effects of the lasing wavelengths and the Cavity losses on amplifier bandwidth in gnin-clamped EDFAs. It is found that lasing wavelengths and cavity losses have a great influence on the amplifier bendwidth for Er-doped germano-aluminosilcate fiber with high A1 concentration and have no effects for Er-doped germanoslicate fiber.
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