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刚刚结束的中共天津市委七届七次全会,是在世纪即将交汇的时刻召开的一次对天津未来的发展具有深远影响的盛会。它承前启后,继往开来;团结鼓劲,催人奋进。它展示给天津人民的是责任、雄心、前景;是天津跨越式发展迈向新世纪的铿锵脚步。这次全会的主题是:深入贯彻党的十五大和十五届五中全会精神,进一步动员天津全党和全市人民,坚持以现代化建设为核心,牢牢把握全面上水平的工作基调,抢抓机遇,跨越式发展,力争率先基本实现现代化。全会的这个主题是根据当今时代的大格局、大变化、大趋势提出来的,是市委正确估量 The just concluded seventh plenary session of the Tianjin municipal government is a grand event that will have far-reaching impact on the future development of Tianjin at a time of the forthcoming convergence of the century. It inherits the past and continues to the future; unity and encouragement. It shows the people of Tianjin responsibility, ambition and prospect; it is a sonorous step toward the new century in which the leaping development of Tianjin is going to take shape. The theme of this plenary meeting is to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 15th CPC National Congress and the Fifth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee, further mobilize the entire party in Tianjin and the people of the whole city, persist in taking modernization as the core, and firmly grasp the overall tone of working level and grab Grasp opportunities and leapfrog development and strive to be the first to achieve modernization. This theme of the plenum is based on the general situation of today’s big pattern, great changes, and the general trend proposed by the Municipal Party Committee is the correct measure
经济全球化的浪潮正汹涌而来。这个浪潮已经把中华民族引入了这样的时代 :中国的社会主义现代化不可能实现于国际社会和国际市场之外 ;中国的社会发展和经济繁荣依赖于它与国
一辆韩国大宇努比拉轿车(采用四缸2.0L 排量发动机),累计行程3万 km,出现冷机时发动机工作抖动严重,会自动熄火,但热机后发动机工作正常的现象。根据故障现象,怀疑冷却液温
下边以我厂生产汽车前轴中的左(右)端为例(图1),讨论交叉偏孔的批量加工方法。 The following example takes the left (right) end of the automobile front axle of our