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社区作为城市结构的基本单位,开始受到各国学者的关注。其中,对“社区发展”的研究更是方兴未艾。 “社区发展”研究包括两方面的内容:一是探讨社区如何通过一系列有计划的引导,发动社区力量促进社区进步,这是社会学研究的视角;二是归纳社区类型变迁的规律,这是历史学研究的视角。 我国学术界对西方城市社区发展规律的研究尚属起步阶段,鲜有论述,有鉴于此,笔者欲以墨尔本的社区发展为考察对象,从历史学的角度,探讨西方城市各类社区的产生原因及运行机制,以期得出某些具有规律性的认识,深化史学研究的内涵。 As the basic unit of urban structure, the community began to receive the attention of scholars from all over the world. Among them, the study of “community development” is even more in the ascendant. The study of “community development” includes two aspects: First, it explores how the community can promote community progress through a series of planned guidance and mobilizing community forces. This is the perspective of sociological research. The second is to summarize the law of community type change, which is Historical Perspectives. In our country, academic research on the law of community development in western cities is still in its infancy and seldom discusses. In view of this, I want to take Melbourne’s community development as the object of study and to explore the causes of various types of communities in western cities from the perspective of history And operating mechanism, with a view to come to some regular understanding, deepen the historical research.
近年来 ,笔者在临床中陆续发现一些与病毒感染密切相关、发病机理不明的低血钾瘫痪病例。笔者采用中西医结合方法治疗该病 1 5例 ,疗效满意 ,现报告如下。1 临床资料1 .1 
新生儿病毒性心肌炎是在新生儿期病毒感染引起的局灶性或弥漫性心肌间质炎性渗出和心肌纤维变性、溶解和坏死 ,导致不同程度的心肌功能障碍和全身症状的疾病。临床表现不典型
We firstly introduces the content and idea of Ellen’s essay,gathering according materials searching on internet,then make concerning critical evaluation. We r