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国家信息中心首席经济学家范剑平对近期中国宏观经济走势进行了分析。他说,前一阶段,中央银行提高了利率和存款准备金率,使经济处于紧缩状态,中国经济处于政策性紧缩阶段。但实际上,这一次财政紧缩的作用比货币紧缩更大,财政政策、货币政策在实施过程中无法绝然分开,如果没有财政紧缩,货币紧缩也难以实现。 Fan Jianping, chief economist of the State Information Center, analyzed the recent macroeconomic trends in China. He said that in the previous period, the central bank raised the interest rate and the deposit reserve ratio so that the economy was in a state of deflation and the Chinese economy was in a policy-tightening phase. In fact, this time the effect of fiscal austerity is greater than that of monetary tightening. Fiscal and monetary policies can not be absolutely separated in the process of implementation. Without fiscal austerity, the monetary tightening can hardly be realized.
中国地震局地球物理研究所中国数字地震台网数据管理中心(CDSN DMC)根据美国地震联合研究会数据管理中心(IRIS DMC)发布的2015年1—2月全球地震动态,通过修订给出以下监测结
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