
来源 :云南林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aaaldj
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我省的种子园建设始于1979年,到1986年为止,已建和正在建的种子园共11,674亩,1987年又新建四个种子园,面积共2,000亩。屏边县杉木种子园,是我省最先建成的无性系种子园,1982年完成嫁接,1985年生产种子,1985年至1987年总产量为440斤。产量逐年增加,1987年生产360斤种子,相当于头两年总产量的四倍多。经检验,1987年所产杉木种子千粒重平均为7.44克,最高为10.73克。发芽率平均为46%,最高为64%,超过一级种子标准(在国家标准中,一级杉木种子的发芽率为45%)。在澄江县的桉树实生种子园中,种植1.5年后的兰桉平均树高4.14米,平均胸径3.53厘米,超过对照76%;年平均高生长2.93米,年平均胸径增长2.35厘米。直干桉平均树高3.37米、平均胸径2.99厘米,超过对照26%;年平均高生长2.25米,年平均胸径增长1.99厘米,超过大理州、弥勒县等桉树适生区的生长速度。种子园是科研与生产相结合的产物,我省的种子园建设,经历了一个边研究边建园的过程,在此过程中,涉及并解决了以下三个问题。 The construction of the seed orchards in our province started in 1979. By 1986, 11,674 mu of seed orchards have been built and under construction. In 1987, four new seed orchards have been set up, covering an area of ​​2,000 mu. Pingbian County fir seed orchard, is the first to build a clonal seed orchard in our province, completed in 1982 grafted in 1985, the production of seeds, from 1985 to 1987 a total output of 440 pounds. The output has increased year by year. In 1987, it produced 360 jin of seeds, equivalent to more than four times the total output in the first two years. After examination, in 1987 the fir seeds produced 1,000 grain weight average 7.44 grams, up to 10.73 grams. Germination rate was 46% on average, up to 64%, more than a seed standard (in the national standard, a fir seed germination rate of 45%). In Chengjiang County Eucalyptus Seed Garden, the mean height of E. grandis 1.5 years after planting was 4.14 meters with an average diameter of 3.53 centimeters, exceeding the control by 76%. The annual average height was 2.93 meters and the annual average diameter at breast height was 2.35 centimeters. The average tree height of straight eucalyptus was 3.37 meters, with an average breast diameter of 2.99 cm, which was 26% higher than that of the control. The annual average height was 2.25 meters and the average annual diameter at breast height was increased by 1.99 cm, exceeding the growth rate of Eucalyptus habitat in Dali and Mile County. Seed orchard is the product of the combination of scientific research and production. The construction of the seed orchard in our province has undergone a process of researching and building the park. In this process, the following three problems are involved and solved.