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随着教育改革不断深入,中央广播电视大学提出自一九九○年以后,将不编发统一的教学计划,主要负责统开课程的教材编写、音象节目的制作播出和考试命题。各地方电大根据各自的需要制定专业教学计划,其中包括以大专为主的学历教育和非学历教育等不同层次和规格的培训计划。这是电大经过十年来远距离教育的实践,不断总结经验,提高认识,冲破传统高等教育的羁绊迈出的教育改革的新步伐。显然,这一重大改革的实施不是一蹴而就的事。因为,它不是将原有课程一二三四五的排列一下,也不是简单地加减一些课程和课时。它涉及到课程设置的依据和指导思想,教材内容以及教学结构的变动,教学媒体和时间的合理分配、 With the continuous deepening of education reform, China Radio and Television University (CUCU) proposed that since 1990, no unified teaching plan will be issued, which will be mainly responsible for the preparation of teaching materials for unification of courses and the production of audiovisual programs and examination propositions. All local RTUs develop professional teaching plans according to their own needs, including training programs of different levels and specifications such as academic education and non-academic education mainly based on tertiary education. This is a new step for the education reform led by NTU through the practice of long-distance education over the past decade, constantly summing up experiences, raising awareness and breaking the bonds of traditional higher education. Obviously, the implementation of this major reform is not a one-time event. Because it does not arrange the original course of one two three four five, nor does it simply add or subtract some courses and class hours. It involves the basis and guiding ideology of curriculum, the content of teaching materials and the change of teaching structure, the rational distribution of teaching media and time,
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