
来源 :军事经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gebmmi
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组织实施军队企业国有资产产权登记工作,必须重视登记对象盈利与非盈利的交叉性、行为和目的的法律性、组织实施和程序的规范性、制度和办法的可操作性;手段和内容的专业技术性、时间的持续性等特点。恢复后勤财务部门对企业财务管理的职能,是搞好产权登记工作的前提条件;在制定军队企业国有资产产权登记管理办法时,应充分考虑产权登记的重点、分工、程序内容及分析报告制度和处罚制度等内容。在具体实施管理过程中,应突出现代科学管理的方法,整体运筹,条块结合,严格组织实施程序;做好信息的收集、分存、传输、处理和控制;完善代码标识制度和计算机网络管理,把军队国有资产管理工作列入部队管理条令条例。 To organize and register the registration of state-owned assets of military enterprises, we must pay attention to the intersection of the profitability and non-profitability of registered objects, the legality of behaviors and purposes, the organization and implementation of procedures, and the operability of systems and methods; Technical, time continuity and other characteristics. The function of restoring the financial management of the logistics and finance department to the enterprise is a prerequisite for the registration of property rights. When formulating management methods for the registration of state-owned assets of military enterprises, full consideration shall be given to the key points, division of labor, content of procedures, and analysis reporting system of property rights registration. Penalty system, etc. In the implementation of the specific management process, it should highlight the methods of modern scientific management, the overall operations, combined with the block, strictly organize the implementation of procedures; do a good job of information collection, sharing, transmission, processing and control; improve the code identification system and computer network management , Including the management of the military’s state-owned assets into the regulations for the management of troops.
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