2006年就这样 BIU 的一声过去了,在我们还没来得及眨眼的瞬间。去年我们还在被鼓舞着,超跑车队在严路的带领下,首次站到了保时捷卡雷拉杯亚洲挑战赛年度亚军的位置,今年却在黯然着第五名的尴尬。可是严路本人却依然斗志昂扬:明年我一定要拿冠军!整整一年12个回合8个赛道,有着光荣与梦想,也有着遗憾和失望。在2006年的保时捷卡雷拉杯的比赛中发生了很多事情,也许是你还不知道的。跟随超跑车队一起,回顾2006年,看看比赛前前后后的故事吧。
So in 2006 BIU passed, just before we had time to blink. Last year we were still being inspired. The super sports team led for the first time in the Asia Porsche Carrera Cup Asia Championship runner-up position under the strict road this year, but it is sadly losing its fifth place embarrassment this year. However, Yan Road himself is still mightily high: next year I will take the championship! A full round of 12 rounds of 8 circuits, with a glorious and dreams, but also with regret and disappointment. A lot happened in the 2006 Porsche Carrera Cup, maybe you did not know it yet. Follow the supercar team, review 2006, take a look at the story before and after the game.