Let Chinese Culture Walk to the World with Academic Boutiques

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  In April of 2012, China participated London International Book Fair as a guest of honor for “market focus”. April 16 is the first day of the Fair. In order to celebrate the launch of English version of Civilization History of China, Beijing University Press and Cambridge University Press held a seminar jointly in London Millennium Gloucester Hotel, specially invited editor of Chinese version Civilization History of China, professor Yuan Xingpei, translator of English version, professor David Knechtges and professor David McMullen from Cambridge University for academic dialogue and discussion for this book, with nearly a hundred of scholars and personages from news publishing attended.
  Chinese ambassador in UK, Mar. Liu Xiaoming sent his congratulation, appreciating this book to be “a work exerting utmost efforts from domestic outstanding scholars in China, expressing development of relative disciplines in China these years, demonstrating the colorful inner world of modern Chinese”, and the publishing of English version is just like “countless Chinese walk to their UK friends, telling them the cultural traditions and social kinds of China”.
  The Civilization History of China published by Beijing University Press is the first batch of selected books in “Cambridge Chinese Library”, and is an important work published by “the Library” with priority. The Civilization History of China contains 4 volumes with totally 1840 pages, about 1.72 million words. The fulfillment of copyright output of such a set of academic work with huge scale and serious content, as well as the publication of English version together with one of the world class top level academic publishing organizations – Cambridge University Press, is an important achievement by expressing of own advantages and insisting “pushing forward the walk out of academic boutiques”.
  High level works are important premise for copyright output
  High end humanity academic book has been a traditional advantage of Beijing University Press for a long time. It is also a key field for Beijing University Press to implement the “walk out” strategy and establish international brand for academic books.
  Academic books with high academic nature and ideological content keeps being one of the hotspot interested by foreign Chinese circle, and the Civilization History of China is just such kind of high level academic work focusing on originality. Civilization History of China is a state key book publishing planning project in “the tenth five”. The composition is organized by Research Institute of National Literature of Beijing University, and hosted by professor of Department of Chinese Language and Literature of Beijing University, famous scholar, Mr. Yuan Xingpei. Since the Civilization History of China is an academic composition with multidisciplinary involving literature, history, philosophy, archaeology, religious studies, folklore, history of science and technology, history of cultural exchange between China and foreign countries and so on, which cannot be completed by individual or scholar of single subject, at the beginning of writing, the Research Institute of National Literature of Beijing University, costing half a year, solicited suggestions from all aspects until confirmation that the project is meaningful and feasible, and the composition was then organized. The Research Institute of National Literature of Beijing University selected four senior professors from literature, history, philosophy and archaeology at first to be chief editor for subsections of Civilization History of China; and then selected 32 young and middle aged scholars in succession from departments of literature, history, philosophy, orientalism and so on to participate the composition.   The composition of Civilization History of China cost more than 6 years, and was published officially in April of 2006 by Beijing University Press with 11,000 volume for first printing. Under the situation that the price was relatively high and no propaganda was implemented, the books were sold out within one month. In the following four years, there were totally 100,800 volumes printed. So far, the book has acquired Outstanding Achievement Special Award for Social Sciences of Beijing municipal, Wenjin Book Award by National Library, Award Nomination in the First Chinese Publishing Government Award, Five One Original Work Award and so on.
  The Civilization History of China divided Chinese civilization into four periods based on significant transitions on civilization history of China. It portrays characteristics and bright spots of each period meticulously, as well as its status on progress of world civilization. The book matches material civilization, political civilization and spiritual civilization along with relationship between human and nature, organization method of human society and soul world of human respectively to demonstrate the intricate relationships, portray the creative power of Chinese people and the endless progress of Chinese civilization. The book demonstrated traditional Chinese civilization and modern academic achievements of China is high level, and lays a solid foundation for copyright output following.
  Superior translation is the key for successful “walk out” of human academic books
  The problem of translation has been a challenge that cannot be avoided during “walk out” of Chinese books. Many excellent books cannot walk to the world indeed because of no proper translation, while some books, after signing of copyright output, have to be postponed for times due to lack of accurate translation. In the regards of high end academic books for humanities, the resolution of translation problem is even more and key and difficulty for fulfillment of “walk out”. An important reason why Beijing University Press can sign copyright output agreement for English version of Civilization History of China with Cambridge University Press is that the book possesses an excellent translation team.
  The idea of publish English translation version for Civilization History of China was born early. In 2004, during the composition of Civilization History of China, the chief editor of the book, Professor Yuan Xingpei began to contract Professor David Knechtges far in America to discuss the feasibility of translating Civilization History of China into English version. Professor David Knechtges is now director of East Asia Language and Literature Department of American University of Washington, as well as chairman of American Oriental Society. He acquired his doctor’s degree from Chinese Language and Literature Department of Washington University in 1968, and was selected academician of American Academy of Social Sciences in 2006. Speciality of Professor David Knechtges is Mediaeval Literature of China. He once completed translation of complete volume of Selections of Refined Literature all by himself. He is a researcher on six Dynasties literature in western literature circle with great importance. After reading of Civilization History of China, Professor David Knechtges deemed it a good book worth translation, and pointed out that if the English version of this book can be published abroad, it will be beneficial for Chinese civilization to walk to the world, beneficial for western world to further understand Chinese culture and thus promote exchange of Chinese and western culture and academies better.   Of course, it is really difficult to translate the Civilization History of China, an academic book rooted in Chinese culture completely, into English work suitable for reading habit and reading interests of western readers accurately. In July of 2004, with direct care from Professor David Knechtges, the translation team for English version of Civilization History of China was established rapidly. All scholars are experts from relative fields involved in Civilization History of China with rich academic experiences, and thus can ensure high veracity and readability of the English version of Civilization History of China.
  As everyone knows, the quantity to translate a humanity academic work spanning Chinese and Western cultures is as heavy as a new creation. It is difficult to insist without capital guarantee. Therefore, Professor Yuan Xingpei strived for an educational endowment to solve the problem of translation funds, which cleared away the obstruction for copyright output. In the negotiation for publication of English version of Civilization History of China with Cambridge University Press, Beijing University Press grasped a big initiative since he can provide English translation with high quality.
  The support from the state is powerful guarantee and roll booster for “walk out”
  The achievement got by the Press in progress of “walk out” in recent year is inseparable with the strong support from the state. As one of the members of “foreign promotion plan for Chinese books”, Beijing University Press has already realized this point. The successful cooperation for copyright output of English version of Civilization History of China between Beijing University Press and Cambridge University Press profited from the full support of the “promotion plan”.
  After publishing of Civilization History of China by Beijing University Press, the deputy director General Wu Wei began to think about publication of the English version. The overall implementation of “Chinese Culture Work Translation and Publication Project” in 2009 brought Civilization History of China four volume version) in. When meet with Mr. Pan Shixun, a foreign expert of the “promotion plan”, CEO of Cambridge University Press, Mr. Wu Wei told him this information, and thus pushed the comprehensive cooperation on Civilization History of China between Beijing University Press and Cambridge University Press.
  Beijing University Press has cooperated with Cambridge University Press on copyright output of Chinese Economic Special by Mr. Lin Yifu previously and thus knew the cautious style on topic selection of a top level academic press with more than 400 years of history. Without daring anything, it can be said that ordinary foreign presses will definitely have apprehension on translation and publishing of an academic work on traditional Chinese culture with such a scale like Civilization History of China with consideration of costs and market profit produced. The Press once contacted several academic presses in America and Europe also, but they were difficult to decide. Now, with “translation publication project” as its powerful backup force, the Civilization History of China reduced its publishing cost overseas significantly and thus increased its attraction and competitiveness, which directly promoted the final decision of Cambridge University Press to publish the English version of Civilization History of China, which become one of the first batch projects of “Cambridge China Library” series of academic works.
  Beijing University Press insists on publishing principles of “academic oriented” and takes propagation of Chinese traditional culture, transmission of outstanding cultural achievements as its own responsibility during the progress of “walk out”. It is an important guiding ideology of copyright output of Beijing University Press to let Chinese culture walk to the world with academic boutique. Beijing University Press will keep on insisting academic publishing route of high quality to develop more topics with originality like Civilization History of China, which reflecting excellent Chinese culture ideas, push Chinese civilization walk to the word, and thus make people all over the world understand China much more completely and truly, as well as promote academic exchange and mutual understanding between China and foreign countries.
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