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在新世纪刚刚开始的时候,本刊向读者推出“中国汽车工业佳话”长篇系列连载。通过“佳话”将与大家一起回忆上一世纪的中国汽车历史,既解老一辈中国汽车开拓者的怀旧情结,又让新人了解过去,在“入世”的历史转折时刻,树立信心。 “佳话”将分中国汽车掌故、中国汽车工业初创、中国人的红旗轿车、20世纪中叶中国领导人视察汽车厂轶事、中国汽车向多品种发展、为备战而加速建立越野车生产基地、在风浪中建设二汽、80年代中国汽车的大论战、中国汽车工业对外开放等部分刊出,作者是我国汽车行业资深专家。 由于是历史,因此年代久远,刊出内容如有出入,欢迎广大读者随时来信来电提出意见,并欢迎在“佳话”中补充新的内容。 At the beginning of the new century, the magazine launched a series of long series of articles entitled “China’s Auto Industry Story.” Through the “Good News”, we will recall the history of Chinese cars in the past century together with people, not only understanding the nostalgia of the older generation of Chinese pioneers, but also letting newcomers know the past and building up confidence in the historic turning point of “joining the WTO.” The story will be divided into two parts: the accident of Chinese cars, the start-up of China’s auto industry, the red flag sedan of China, the anecdote of Chinese car manufacturers during the mid-20th century, the development of China’s automobile industry to diversified products, and the acceleration of the establishment of an off- Storm in the construction of the second steam, the 1980s, the Chinese car big controversy, China’s auto industry and other parts of the opening, the author is China’s automotive industry veteran experts. Because it is history, so the age, published content if any discrepancies, readers are welcome to send a letter at any time to comment, and welcomes the “Story” to add new content.
我院1995年11月至2002年12月,对312例5岁以内的小儿手术病人行骶管阻滞,现总结如下:1 资料与方法312例病人中,男282例,女30例;年龄3个月~5岁;体重3~20kg;疾病种类分别为:腹股
  某作者采用青霉素与双黄连对小儿呼吸道感染进行治疗效果观察 ,作者用一年的时间 ,收集到小儿呼吸道感染患者 1 54例 ,将全部病例分为两组。治疗组 80例 ,男 49例 ,女 31