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东明石化集团始建于1987年原来是只有一套生产装置、原油加工能力6万吨的小企业,如今已发展成为主要装置9套、原油年加工能力120万吨、销售收入过10亿,利税过亿元,资产10亿元的国有大型企业,公司上缴税金较企业初期增长了近30倍,销售额同期增长了13倍。先后荣获山东省工业百强企业、山东省管理创新优秀企业、AAA级银行信用企业、国家一级档案管理企业、中国化工百强企业、全国“重合同,守信用”单位,全国精神文明建设先进单位等荣誉称号。李湘平2001年10月任公司董事长兼党委书记。他带领一班人,审时度势,创新运作,使东明石化走出了一条特色鲜明的新路子。实施特色经营。对3万吨气分/年和1.5 Dongming Petrochemical Group was founded in 1987 as a small enterprise with only one set of production equipment and crude oil processing capacity of 60,000 tons. It has now developed into nine sets of major equipment, 1.2 million tons of annual crude oil processing capacity, over one billion sales revenue, and profits and taxes. For large state-owned enterprises with over 100 million yuan and assets of 1 billion yuan, the tax paid by the company has increased by nearly 30 times compared with the initial period of the company, and the sales volume has increased by 13 times over the same period. It has been awarded as one of the Top 100 Industrial Enterprises in Shandong Province, Excellent Enterprise in Management Innovation in Shandong Province, AAA Bank Credit Enterprise, National First Grade Archives Management Enterprise, Top 100 Chinese Chemical Enterprises, National “Contract-Compliant, Promise-keeping Enterprise”, and Advanced National Spiritual Civilization Construction. Units and other honorary titles. Li Xiangping was appointed Chairman of the company and secretary of the Party Committee in October 2001. He led a group of people, reviewed the situation, innovated and operated, and brought Dongming Petrochemical out of a distinctive new path. Implement characteristic management. To 30,000 tons of gas/year and 1.5
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