结合实际 勤政惠民 和谐发展——北辰区柳滩村建设社会主义新农村情况的调查与思考

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建设社会主义新农村,是党中央作出的重大战略决策。在建设新农村的过程中,各地不能简单地把中央和市委的精神简单照发照转,生搬硬套而是要把党中央和市委精神进行消化吸收,与自身的实际情况结合起来,拿出适合自身实际的新的招法。在这方面,北辰区的柳滩村有自己独特的做法,值得借鉴。该村地处北辰区天穆镇与河北区的城郊结合部,全村面积1.2平方公里,现有人口3500人,其中农业人口1210人。近年来,在新农村建设进程中,该村两委班子结合本村实际,转变思想、建章立制、务实为民,走出了一条依靠集体经济,体现公平、公正,促进和谐发展的新路子。 Building a new socialist countryside is a major strategic decision made by the Party Central Committee. In the process of building a new countryside, all parts of the country can not simply take the initiative of the Central Government and the municipal Party committee as a guide, but apply the spirit of the CPC Central Committee and the CPC Central Committee to digestion and absorption. Combining with the actual situation, New tactics In this respect, Liu Tan Village in Beichen District has its own unique approach that is worth learning from. The village is located in Beichen District Tianmu Town and Hebei District, the suburbs of the junction area, the village covers an area of ​​1.2 square kilometers, the existing population of 3500 people, of which agricultural population of 1210 people. In recent years, in the process of building a new socialist countryside, the two committees of the village have taken a new approach that relies on the collective economy, embodies fairness, fairness and promotion of harmonious development, combining their realities, changing their thinking, establishing their own posts and establishing a pragmatic system for the people.
Ever since the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party(CPC)issued the “No.1 Document” in 1984 to allow farmers to work in cities,the tide of migrant