Fabrication and cold test of prototype of spatially periodic radio frequency quadrupole focusing lin

来源 :核技术(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zyyhky
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A 325 MHz aluminum prototype of a spatially periodic RF quadrupole focusing linac was developed at the Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, as a promising candidate for the front end of a high-current linac. It consists of an alternating series of crossbar H-type drift tubes and RF quadrupole sections. Owing to its special geometry, cavity fabrication is a major hurdle for its engineering development and application. In this paper, we report the detailed mechanical design of this structure and describe its fabrication process, including machining, assembly, and inspection. The field distribution was measured by the bead-pull technique. The results show that the field errors of both the accelerating and focusing fields are within an acceptable range. A tuning scheme for this new structure is proposed and verified. The cold test process and results are presented in detail. The develop-ment of this prototype provides valuable guidance for the application of the spatially periodic RF quadrupole structure.
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