
来源 :贵州政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiameng
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《贵州省进一步推动横向经济联合与协作的若干规定》已经1996年8月29日省人民政府常务会议通过,现予发布施行。第一条为加快我省对外开放步伐,进一步加强横向经济联合及东西合作,促进我省经济社会的全面发展,根据国家有关法律、法规,按照优势互补、互利互惠、共同发 Several Provisions on Further Promoting the Alliance and Collaboration of Horizontal Economy in Guizhou Province were passed at the provincial people’s government executive meeting on August 29, 1996 and are hereby promulgated and implemented. Article 1 To speed up the pace of opening up the province to the outside world, further strengthen the horizontal economic cooperation and the cooperation between the east and the west, and promote the all-round economic and social development in our province. According to the relevant laws and regulations of the state, in accordance with the principle of mutual complementarity, mutual benefit and common development
The diagnosis of diabetes mellitus type 2(DM2) is based either on increased plasma glucose or Glycated hemoglobin levels. Since these measures are the only mean
AIM:To report the clinical impact of adrenal endoscopic ultrasound fine-needle aspiration(EUS-FNA)in the evaluation of patients with adrenal gland enlargement o
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(简讯、图片新闻、启示未收录)脚甸唾理画翻困回斑-一—首都文艺界集会纪念阳翰笙诞辰100周年 本刊记者深切怀念阳翰老3.6第二十届中国戏剧梅花奖获奖者名单3·7第二十届中国
进驻“鸟巢”    2003年12月24日,2008北京奥运会主体育场国家体育场破土动工。为期4年的“鸟巢”建筑工程轰轰烈烈地展开了。  山东省聊城市的阳谷,因当年武松打虎而著称的地方,16岁的初中生宋纯鲁手托下巴望着教室窗外白雪皑皑的操场发呆。过了这个年就要面临中考了,同学们都埋头于书本间为他们将来的大学梦奋斗。宋纯鲁成绩一般,考上重点高中的希望渺茫,一想到学习、背书、考试,宋纯鲁就头疼。  2