Using shear-activated platelet assay, specific radioimmunoassay showed that PRP and PEF contained neuropeptide Y (NPY) immunoreactive substance 92.59 ± 10.09 μg / L and 97.02 ± 31.11μg / L respectively, higher than that of platelet-derived plasma (PFP) (1.52 ± 1.32μg / L) and PLT (1.66 ± 1.61μg / L) (P <0.001). After shear-induced platelet aggregation of PRP, the concentration of NPY in PFPs (after shearing) increased to 2.25 ± 1.37 μg / L (P <0.05), and the concentration of NPY in PPP decreased to 1 after shearing. 22 ± 1.07 μg / L. The results showed that rat platelets contain a large number of NPY, can be released by shear-activated platelet aggregation. The NPY concentrations of PRPs and PEFs increased after sheared, which were 112.49 ± 23.0μg / L and 121.91 ± 31.29μg / L respectively, suggesting that shearing could promote the synthesis of NPY.