Linear Integral Analysis of Bar Rough Rolling by Strain Rate Vector

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bard
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A new linear integral method for bar hot rolling on roughing train was obtained. First,for plastic deformation energy rate,equivalent strain rate about Kobayashi’s three-dimensional velocity field was expressed by two-dimensional strain rate vector; then,the two-dimensional strain rate vector was inverted into inner product and was integrated term by term. During those processes,boundary equation and mean value theorem were introduced; for friction and shear energy dissipation rate,definite integral was applied to the solution process. Sequentially,the total upper bound power was minimized,and the analytical expressions of rolling torque,separating force,and stress state factor were obtained. The calculated results by these expressions were compared with those of experimental values. The results show that the new linear integral method is available for bar rough rolling analysis and the calculated results by this method are a little higher than those of experimental ones. However,the maximum error between them is less than 10%. First, for plastic deformation energy rate, equivalent strain rate about Kobayashi’s three-dimensional velocity field was expressed by two-dimensional strain rate vector; then, the two-dimensional strain rate vector was inverted into inner product and was integrated term by term. During those processes, boundary equation and mean value theorem were introduced; for friction and shear energy dissipation rate, definite integral was applied to the solution process. power was minimized, and the analytical expressions of rolling torque, separating force, and stress state factor were obtained. The calculated results by these expressions were compared with those of experimental values. The results show that the new linear integral method is available for bar rough rolling analysis and the calculated results by this method are a little higher than those of experimental ones. However, the m aximum error between them is less than 10%.
传奇的君王往往会伴随一个悲惨的结局,然而留给世人的,却是无限的美好。    路德维希二世, Ludwig II(1845年8月25日—1886年6月13日)。维特尔斯巴赫王朝的巴伐利亚国王。全名为:路德维希·奥托·弗里德里希·威廉 Ludwig Otto Friedrich Wilhelm。他有很多的绰号,“童话国王”、“天鹅国王”、“疯王路德维希”。 他是德国最不平凡的、也是最受人欢迎的君主。他
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