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中考成绩出来之后,往往会有许多考生对自己的作文成绩表示怀疑,平时作文写得很好,中考作文却得分不高。这种情况似乎普遍存在,于是有人对判卷的准确性产生怀疑。其实,除少数情况外,大部分问题出在考生自己身上。因为,考生的学校、姓名被密封了,阅卷者对考生的情况一无所知,不存在先入为主的观念及影响公平性的感情倾向,阅卷者只能依据一篇作文来衡量一个考生的写作水平。而这是一篇怎样的作文,它将给阅卷者怎样的印象,这些就很值得考生注意了。此外,我们知道,说话要看对象,写文章也要看得见读者。考试作文的“读者”就是阅卷老师,他们要在很短的时间内阅读大量的、面目相似且不乏种种毛病 After the test results came out, there were often many candidates who doubted their own writing results. They usually wrote very well in their composition, but they did not score high in the test composition. This situation seems to be ubiquitous, so some people have doubts about the accuracy of the sentence. In fact, with a few exceptions, most of the problems are in the candidates themselves. Because the candidate’s school name was sealed and the reader was ignorant of the candidate’s situation, there was no preconceived notion and emotional tendencies affecting fairness. The examiner could only measure the level of a candidate’s writing on the basis of an essay. . This is a kind of composition, which will give readers an impression of what they are worth. In addition, we know that to speak depends on the subject, and to read the article, you must also see the reader. The “readers” of the exam composition are the readers of the exam. They need to read a large number of items in a very short period of time, with similar faces and no shortage of problems.
随着科学技术的进步和社会经济的发展,社会各界对地名信息的需求也发生了巨大的变化。落后的档案管理手段已无法满足社会的需要,无法向人们提供更加快 With the progress of
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《档案春秋》编辑部:我是贵刊忠实读者,我在2010年第11期上看到日本久能靖先生的文章,其中提到田中角荣在北京写过一首汉诗。我记得当年媒体上报道过田中在飞 Archives Spri
一个三脚架,两个车轮,却承载了多彩的人生。曾经年少的梦似花一样绽放在心际,车过留痕的岁月露出渐行渐远的背影。在慢慢的行走中学会长大,回望,它的温暖依旧那样熟悉。 A t